
period race


Author Topic: ABS FIESTA REDUX  (Read 1246426 times)

That half hour goes by with nobody willing to make conversation with you until Coaxoch finally sets Paladius down again.
: Right. So. How would we keep in contact, if you are going to leak information? And who is it you are looking for that I would keep safe, or whatever it was you wanted?
Roger gets that twitchy smile again and pulls a flat round device that looks almost like a poker chip out of his boot.

"This. This is a reverse engineered long distance communicator. What that means is it can do everything from play cards with you to giving you important files. The best part is that it can piggyback any computer system and act as a broadcaster or receiver. One of the perks of being law enforcement or "former" at the least. I have another one just like it back at base. I'll use the other one to send out a stronger signal by piggybacking on something more powerful. I'll figure it out. We can't use the internet to transfer files otherwise the whole Airforce will be all over my ass."

Roger pockets the device and looks coaxoch in the eyes.

"Here's the thing. You are responsible for getting me what i want. I could send you the whole database of info if i wanted using JUST this thing alone, however I want the man currently hiding out in your country. You bring him to me at an agreed location when the time comes and i'll give you the hardcopy of everything NAUC has. Double cross me and everyone loses. If you agree to these terms i'll give you his name and we'll go our separate ways until its time to make the tradeoff. I will feed your forces info that is only the tip of the iceberg so you know you have me on good faith. But I must have that man. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity right here and i'm out of options if i go home empty handed."

roger will destroy an entire country just for one man

what a kek

bell goes into the barracks and puts all of roger's belongings in clearly labeled metal boxes

really dude..........

Roger gets that twitchy smile again and pulls a flat round device that looks almost like a poker chip out of his boot.

"This. This is a reverse engineered long distance communicator. What that means is it can do everything from play cards with you to giving you important files. The best part is that it can piggyback any computer system and act as a broadcaster or receiver. One of the perks of being law enforcement or "former" at the least. I have another one just like it back at base. I'll use the other one to send out a stronger signal by piggybacking on something more powerful. I'll figure it out. We can't use the internet to transfer files otherwise the whole Airforce will be all over my ass."

Roger pockets the device and looks coaxoch in the eyes.

"Here's the thing. You are responsible for getting me what i want. I could send you the whole database of info if i wanted using JUST this thing alone, however I want the man currently hiding out in your country. You bring him to me at an agreed location when the time comes and i'll give you the hardcopy of everything NAUC has. Double cross me and everyone loses. If you agree to these terms i'll give you his name and we'll go our separate ways until its time to make the tradeoff. I will feed your forces info that is only the tip of the iceberg so you know you have me on good faith. But I must have that man. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity right here and i'm out of options if i go home empty handed."
: Interesting. I can agree to those terms. Hand over the thing, and we will do our best to get you your guy to safety.

bell goes into the barracks and puts all of roger's belongings in clearly labeled metal boxes
Most of his actual personal effects are back at McNamara, where everyone else's are. Also as a reminder, none of Mjolnir has any reason to suspect that Roger's up to no good. Well, they don't have any reason to suspect that he's up to this particular breed of no good, at least.

A crowd of MPs wait for the return of the SAR team

: Ow- what's going on?-
stop hurting the cinnamon roll pls

100% positive Paladius gets all of the girls

Bell, having nothing better to do, goes to work on her Razorback.

100% positive Paladius gets all of the girls
he gets their hearts not their vajayjay he's too young for such sinful things

: Interesting. I can agree to those terms. Hand over the thing, and we will do our best to get you your guy to safety.
Roger hesitates a little. She suddenly seems a bit eager...

He presents the chip.

"Take it. I'll contact you the moment we get out of this jungle. And i have the chance to fire up the communicator."

I hope we don't kill Paladius sometime later in the RP

Ralph keeps walking through the jungle. He hopes he won't get ambushed.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2015, 10:37:42 PM by blockguy™ »

Roger hesitates a little. She suddenly seems a bit eager...

He presents the chip.

"Take it. I'll contact you the moment we get out of this jungle. And i have the chance to fire up the communicator."

Who would have thought Bat 21 Bravo was a loving sellout

high five me harm I'm trying senpai

I hope we don't kill Paladius sometime later in the RP

Ralph keeps walking through the jungle. He hopes he won't get ambushed.
Have we even landed yet