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Author Topic: ABS FIESTA REDUX  (Read 1245811 times)

Jaakko finds himself under his chute. Again. He hangs under his chute in darkness and shock. His headphones spray static into his ears due to the interference, but Jaakko barely hears it.

Tippy sees Crash eject and her grip tightens around her flight controls with her eyes wide open in shock.

"Kirves! No! Are you ok?! Can you hear me! Jaako!!"

Markus's jaw drops. His voice is surprisingly calm.
"...wow. I hoped I would never see one of those detonated."

: Communications still in check? Everybody still in one piece?
Raiden comes through on the comms, quiet and drowning in a sea of static but still audible.
: Raiden lead, I'm still here.
: As am I. I see Nagato still airborne too.
: Nagato, are you alright? Are your comms functional?
: What the hell just happened over there?

Jaakko finds himself under his chute. Again. He hangs under his chute in darkness and shock. His headphones spray static into his ears due to the interference, but Jaakko barely hears it.
As Jaakko floats helplessly in the ocean, the static in his ears starts to be drowned out by a familiar, low-frequency hum. Spotlights sweep across the ocean in front of him as the hum gets louder and is joined by the hiss of retro-thrusters firing off. Turning yourself around to view the source of the noise, you end up blinded by a light shining directly down upon you.

Jaakko reaches up to his helmet comms.

"Is this our VTOL? Oh Gods, I don't think it is! Is it?!" he shouts on the Imperial radio.

His voice is shaken, but soon the identity of the VTOL becomes apparent as its engines are humming rather than screaming. He waves up to it.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2018, 11:30:48 AM by Mr. Hurricane »

Markus, in utter shock, is unable to feel much of anything.
Least I'm alive.
He checks his radar to see if that's at least working.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2018, 01:33:12 PM by Gojira »

: The airship's payload went off, Musashi. presumably the loyalists still on board did it.

Walter looks around out of his roosterpit into the night skies as he waits for the HUD to reinitialize

: I think we only lost one in that shockwave- did he manage to eject?

"Lorens! Lorens, status!"

Ash strains his ears and tries to filter out the static, but he can only make out what sounds like a faint mumble. Eventually, he hears an audible voice, albeit distorted by noise.

"... Still airborne," Lorens responds, "What's your status, Blackeye?"

"I'm fine," Ash replies in kind, "What are you going to do now?"

"I have to go back. Shortsword and Skytracer are down there somewhere. I can't leave them behind."

"Can you even make it back?"

"Thing's shot to stuff, but I can make it back."

"... Alright. Arkspeed, Snowman."

Ash twists the dial and returns to the Auxiliary squadron's frequency, while Lorens enters a NAUC guard channel.

"AWACS, this is Mjolnir-3, status," Lorens hails. He turns back around towards friendly territory.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2018, 02:51:16 PM by NoZoner »

Markus, in utter shock, is unable tow feel much of anything.
Least I'm alive.
He checks his radar to see if that's at least working.
Radar returns are unclear at best, but the system isn't wholly inoperable.

"The airship's payload went off, Musashi. presumably the loyalists still on board did it. "
: What were they thinking?

Jaakko reaches up to his helmet comms.

"Is this our VTOL? Oh Gods, I don't think it is! Is it?!" he shouts on the Imperial radio.

His voice is shaken, but soon the identity of the VTOL becomes apparent as its engines are humming rather than screaming. He waves up to it.
The spotlight stops blinding you and points straight down, revealing the characters "ADNX-76" painted in white on the side of the airship's superstructure. You see a rope ladder unfurl along the side of the ship, dangling down into the water.

"AWACS, this is Mjolnir-3, status," Lorens hails. He turns back around towards friendly territory.
: Mjolnir-3, we've overheard communications that imply Djuriskas-3 is deserting, and we see an Ardea-class airship prowling around on our scopes too. Orders from the Sky Marshal are for you to shoot them both down.

Walter remains silent at Musashi's remark, unsure of what else to say before speaking up again on a different subject now that the radio has been partially restored.

: Command, do you read us? do you need an update on the situation?

Jaakko starts slowly swimming to the ladder, the chop making it a bit difficult to grab on at first. He pulls his pilot bag in close.

"Comm check? Tippy?"

Jaakko begins ascending the ladder, soaked and cold.

Walter remains silent at Musashi's remark, unsure of what else to say before speaking up again on a different subject now that the radio has been partially restored.
"Command, do you read us? do you need an update on the situation?"
: We read you. Return to the Indomitus.

Jaakko starts slowly swimming to the ladder, the chop making it a bit difficult to grab on at first. He pulls his pilot bag in close.

"Comm check? Tippy?"

Jaakko begins ascending the ladder, soaked and cold.
The deafening drone of the Imperial levitation system sends vibrations through your entire body, and you begin to feel inexplicably nauseous. Combined with the heavy, soaked clothing, your trip up the ladder is far more exhausting than it should be. Standing before you at the top, arms folded, is a scruffy-looking but imposingly tall (by Gothic standards anyway) man in a captain's hat. He looks you over, noticing your patch and taking a radio microphone from the officer next to him to broadcast to the rest of the squadron.
: Auxiliary Squadron, this is Captain Gerulf of the Ardea. We have your squadron commander on board.

He hands the radio back and turns his attention back to you.
: Did you see anyone else down there with you?

: Affirmative, we're on our way.

Walter remains silent for the remainder of the flight back

Bell just floats around in the ocean with her life jacket inflated. With her helmet comms slightly scrambled from the blast, she tries looking around to see if there is anyone or anything visible from her location.

: Detonating a nuke like that..

"No sir, didn't see anyone but I know some of the enemy flight ejected and are likely down there,"

Jaakko wants to double over, as if it would stop the nausea, but fights the urge to stand upright before the Captain.