Author Topic: Dear Society, Please Stop With the Race Card  (Read 9032 times)

So, if we're going to discuss modern slavery, we should at least look at some numbers.
The Global Slavery Index (wiki), which while it is a controversial source, finds that there are an estimated 35.8 million people in modern slavery today. (They don't however find modern slavery to be in the style of historic slavery, as in slaves being beaten, shackled and sold.)

They GSI finds the number of slaves and percentage of population enslaved in the following countries to be as such;

India - 14 Million (#1) - 1.1409 % (#5) - Highest Total Number of Slaves
China - 3.2 Million (#2) - 0.2388 % (#109)
Pakistan - 2.1 Million (#3) - 1.13 % (#6)
Uzbekistan - 1.2 Million (#4) - 3.9729 % (#2)
Russia - 1 Million (#5) - 0.7315 % (#32)
Brazil - 160 Thousand - 0.0775 % (#143)
USA - 60 Thousand - 0.019 % (#145)
France - 8.6 Thousand - 0.013 % (#148)
UK - 8.3 Thousand - 0.013 % (#148)
Iceland - 23 (#167) - 0.007 % (#167) - Lowest Total Number of Slaves/Proportion of Population in Slavery

Note: Not all countries are accounted for. Some controversy exists regarding that some nations have statistics taken from neighbouring nations, suggesting they would have similar statistics.

« Last Edit: March 05, 2015, 01:39:26 PM by sir dooble »

Iceland - 23 (#167) - 0.007 % (#167)
23 seems like too small of a number to estimate
did they... like.... count each one individually..

23 seems like too small of a number to estimate
did they... like.... count each one individually..
It only has a population of 323,002 (2012).
It's probably not too difficult to get such an accurate number with census data and whatever resources they use.
But yeah, it is oddly specific.

Here's their page on Iceland. It does say it is an estimate though. I've not looked into how exactly they work out their figures. Just sharing that there are some organisations that attempt to quantify the issue.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2015, 01:42:29 PM by sir dooble »

I support the idea behind the repaying African American communities.


While historically they have contributed to a large portion of the modern infrastructure, the society is still built upon archaic rules that systematically hinder the Colored persons


and it is unfortunately in a large part due to the simple reluctance to see there is still a problem.

You're not giving any specific examples, you're just saying the vacuous statement that "there's a problem" What problems are there? Give me examples

We are closer to equality and I am not denying that, however the fight is far from over.

yeah you're right affirmative action still exists

Here's a thought, if you want people to stop complaining about being discriminated against sooner, help by joining the movement to end discrimination.

no thanks I don't want to be part of your social justice cult

That silly "alllivesmatter" crap is very redundant. We know all lives matter

Do we really? I mean, people only seem to be outraged when it's a black person being killed by a white cop and not the other way around

it is however only Black lives that are continuously put in jeopordy due to societal opinion and interaction.

are you handicapped

One brown townogy I liked refered to it as people who go to a cancer rally and begin shouting at all the joggers saying there are other diseases too and those should be represented at this unrelated event.

white people v white people defending black people

the only thing im worried about is that someone will attack me because i look white

the race card is goddamn handicapped

Guys, GUYS! Racism doesn't exist anymore! After Martin Luther King Jr. gave his "I Had a Dream" speech, racism and discrimination became non existent, and now literally every ethnicity in the country is on equal footing with each other. Only a moron would think that there's still a system of institutional racism that still affects minorities to this day.

Guys, GUYS! Racism doesn't exist anymore! After Martin Luther King Jr. gave his "I Had a Dream" speech, racism and discrimination became non existent, and now literally every ethnicity in the country is on equal footing with each other. Only a moron would think that there's still a system of institutional racism that still affects minorities to this day.
i may not be one to talk here but sarcasm has never helped a serious argument

People are too worried about what color the epidermis is to realize that we are all the same species.

Except Asians, they are the same genus though. (Don't get me wrong, no yellow hate here.)

People are too worried about what color the epidermis is to realize that we are all the same species.

Except Asians, they are the same genus though. (Don't get me wrong, no yellow hate here.)
i mean have you seen their commercials?!?

In case any of you people still think institutional racism is a myth, check this link out. It has sources that is cited, so it is not made up bullstuff.

In case any of you people still think institutional racism is a myth, check this link out. It has sources that is cited, so it is not made up bullstuff.
yeah a good amount of the inequality that exists today exists because of unfortunate failures on the front of equality in the past, but i think it's more important to observe that to see how it happened and how it can be fixed, and not who to blame or what to be upset about

if people were actively denied opportunity for a long period of time, it's going to take a bit of work to rebuild and give them the opportunities they deserve.

ofc it's not just black people, it's any and all groups of people that have, at some point in time, been seen as inferior or problematic
« Last Edit: March 05, 2015, 03:16:13 PM by otto-san »

In case any of you people still think institutional racism is a myth, check this link out. It has sources that is cited, so it is not made up bullstuff.
The article seems to imply that it's no longer happening. There's definitely no doubt that there was, but it seems everything listed in that article has come to pass.