
UNITED NATIONS: Return former-US territory to the USA.


Author Topic: Nonnel's Nation RP: Earth 2077 - [AMERICA, THE BEAUTIFUL!]  (Read 276890 times)

find an original insult jesus forget

but, you're gay

Cameroon offers a alliance with great china like wuttup bro

NAR offers an alliance to Saudi Arabia

but, you're gay

Cameroon offers a alliance with great china like wuttup bro

ye m8 axe epted

rip ASA

I feel like swapping to another nation just to increase an attack is a little silly though

Vietnam's naval fleet in California mobilizes on Venezuela.
Troops and armored units will land at Juradó, Bahia Solano, and Buenaventura.
Aircraft carries and destroyers will assist the landing.
Submarines will attempt to clear the waters near the landing zones.

Great China proposes a trade agreement with Cameroon. Slightly dated military tech for many diamond.

Great China proposes a trade agreement with Cameroon. Slightly dated military tech for many diamond.

accepterino coperino

Troops landing in Juradó will assist the Chinese in liberating the cbrown town.

Troops landing in Juradó will assist the Chinese in liberating the cbrown town.

thank friend!

rockstar north releases gta 6, it shows Germany nuking itself and everyone laughing and some four guys escaping the nuke while everyone laughs, also there are no gays. also the game features a new floorboard mechanic where the floors can self destruct and hurt you, also surprise motherforgeter the game isn't out on PC yet, it will arrive in a year or two probably

rip ASA

I feel like swapping to another nation just to increase an attack is a little silly though


I can show no sympathy if you want

Japan sails to Taiwan and paints "republic of Taiwan" on all of their mailboxes.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2015, 10:22:43 PM by Badger »

ssa sends troops to france to help compensate for the loss of asa forces in europe.