Author Topic: Custardo BLID 36715 - Possibly ddos'd/crashed Mr.Nobody's server?  (Read 7295 times)

Yes I do know this guy has a history of being a asshat, but this guy takes it to a whole new level here.

He starts by spamming grenades on the server, basically there is a spawn area that he keeps setting grenades on and people keep getting spawnkilled due to it sending people into insta-kill water, I should have taken pics but didn't think about doing it until he threatened to ddos the server, because he was getting tired of people talking crap to him.

Later he stopped spamming grenades and then he started getting pissed at the other people that kept spawn killing him for his grenade spamming, he kept talking stuff, and eventually he got grenade spammed and that basically caused him to say he was going to ddos the server and then he disconnected.

So after he left I decided to scroll up and take screenshots of him talking stuff, grenade spamming, and the part where he threatens to ddos and then right after I screenshot the first part the server starts lagging really bad and I get disconnected with the "Server Timed Out" message.

So did he ddos or not, I don't really know. Mr.nobody could of shut down the server (but he was afk) or it was custardo being an starfish.

Hopefully someone can clear up what the hell caused the server to time out, because I highly doubt custardo has the capability to ddos.

how mad do you have to be to ddos a server

how mad do you have to be to ddos a server
Well honestly I think he deserved getting grenade spammed after he did it to everyone for about half an hour, but then again nobody should have been grenade spamming in the first place.

There where no admins at the time and Mr.Nobody was AFK, so I guess the spammers where taking advantage of that, I think one other admin showed up right before it crashed though, I think it was..Herecy? I think that was his name.

Hopefully someone can clear up what the hell caused the server to time out, because I highly doubt custardo has the capability to ddos.
i guess the badsopt anti-crash patch still has issues.

i don't think that is the message you get when the host stops hosting

also unfortionately, any script kiddie can get a DDoS nowadays, so don't lock that option out yet

"Server Timed Out" means that your connection to the server, for whatever reason, was lost. This could have been on of many different things.

 - Server was closed unexpectedly and/or improperly, not notifying clients of the shutdown.
 - Host's internet went down
 - Server crashed for some reason
 - Server hung due to some out-of-control ingame shenanigans, probably would have recovered after a few minutes.
 - DDoS/DoS attack overwhelmed the host's internet connection

i guess the badsopt anti-crash patch still has issues.
The anti-crash patch wasn't intended to stop DDoS's, all it did was essentially crash the game if you injected code, like BLhack.
OT: I doubt it's actually a DDoS, if anything the host probably lost net connection briefly at a very coincidental time.

"Server Timed Out" means that your connection to the server, for whatever reason, was lost. This could have been on of many different things.

 - Server was closed unexpectedly and/or improperly, not notifying clients of the shutdown.
 - Host's internet went down
 - Server crashed for some reason
 - Server hung due to some out-of-control ingame shenanigans, probably would have recovered after a few minutes.
 - DDoS/DoS attack overwhelmed the host's internet connection
Yea, totally it is just only a coincidence that somebody threatened with ddos before the server timed out...

Also I noticed You was on the server, somebody should try contact him to see if he timed out just as the op

Also I noticed You was on the server, somebody should try contact him to see if he timed out just as the op
thats me and yeah i can confirm everyone timed out shortly after custardo said he would ddos

thats me and yeah i can confirm everyone timed out shortly after custardo said he would ddos
so either it was a ddos or nobody shut down the server

It was a DDoS. Also, spawn camping was allowed on that server. Grenades were given out for a reason.
I posted my console log here to anyone wanting to read what was said. Didn't notice this topic fast enough.

It was a DDoS. Also, spawn camping was allowed on that server. Grenades were given out for a reason.
I posted my console log here to anyone wanting to read what was said. Didn't notice this topic fast enough.
now that i see this /support

Custardo is fen fyi

i guess the badsopt anti-crash patch still has issues.
all it did was essentially crash the game if you injected code, like BLhack.
wrong, both of ya. The anti-crash patch did exactly what it was supposed to, what it did was fix a bug in the NetString class which allowed a malicious user to crash the server. It does NOT cause the game to crash upon injection.