Author Topic: ThatBlackCop, ID 22661, petty DDOS  (Read 11311 times)

hey i know this ass
he joined goldtit's merp server as lolcatzco (some time ago, definitely not on the 7th) threatening to ddos but nothing ever happened

guess he figured it out now

He most likely just rented a botnet or something.
Lodging a complaint with the ISP's pertaining to the IP's involved is probably the best bet for taking this stuff away from him.

This is why you don't let black cops in

hwat a jerk!

What the forget? Why would you ddos on a loving lego game? Looks like he wanted to assert dominance or something of the sort.
ip ban pls

Do we have his ip now?

ddos back lelel

thats his and his bum buddies ip please DDos his fat ass

Guys i think it's TheBlackCop doing all the talking and FishOilTable doing the DDoSing. When TheBlackCop joined he was acting normal untill FichOilTable Joined and then he said I WANT SUPER ADMIN! I AM GOING TO DDOS THIS SERVER

Guys i think it's TheBlackCop doing all the talking and FishOilTable doing the DDoSing. When TheBlackCop joined he was acting normal untill FichOilTable Joined and then he said I WANT SUPER ADMIN! I AM GOING TO DDOS THIS SERVER

may have been coincidence

holy forget, i used to hang out with this guy back in like 2010. we built that one school that people use for school roleplays. can't believe he's a criminal now.

I love how people want things to get attention. Some people will be afraid and actually give them what they want (such as admin). They can go forget off since they already are wasting their time on a game that isn't important or is that popular. They literally have no goal of what they are trying to do. Reminds me of the dumb kids on that Dr. Phil show that think they are the dominant of everything until they eventually get sucker punched in the face.

oh yea i remember this kid

in goldtits (who have the same admins as alxetoras server depicted in OP) we banned him for being an annoying and pretentious cunt

looks like he really isn't going to change

DDOS is kind of pointless

let me reassure everyone I am not a Ddoser, I am someone who pretended to ddos so the person ddosing didn't take blame. I will not give out the name of the person who did the dosing but just so you know for those of you crying over this, you don't have to worry about me dosing. I don't dos, don't know how to dos, and will never waste my money on buying something that allows me to dos. it was for fun and I'm done. You can all go back to having fun instead of whining. :) have a good day! :D

Ps. I'm not fat ;O

User was banned for this post
« Last Edit: April 11, 2015, 06:01:48 PM by Badspot »

I was there when it happened too.
/support to the fullest

you wont give out the name but it's painfully obvious who actually does the work

let me reassure everyone I am not a Ddoser, I am someone who pretended to ddos so the person ddosing didn't take blame. I will not give out the name of the person who did the dosing but just so you know for those of you crying over this, you don't have to worry about me dosing. I don't dos, don't know how to dos, and will never waste my money on buying something that allows me to dos. it was for fun and I'm done. You can all go back to having fun instead of whining. :) have a good day! :D

Ps. I'm not fat ;O
Regardless, it still deserves a key revoke.
You see, DDoSing something isn't like a little game where afterwards you laugh and forget about it, it's a crime.