Author Topic: Blockland Glass Mod Manager [Released!]  (Read 34980 times)

Hey, so I tried to make an account, but the directory bar link for "My Account" didn't work for me.  Did I miss some sort of preliminary process, is this not live?

It should be a drop-down if you hover over it.

That would be appropriate. By the way I still can't upload Theme_* files.
It'll be fixed when I push all the back-end rewrite, which is going.. surprisingly well. I almost have file uploads done.

Oh, I'm on an old-ass iTouch so I'll see.

Edit:  Nope.  :/

Thanks to greek, I now see that the BBCode interpreter is complete stuff.

Thanks to greek, I now see that the BBCode interpreter is complete stuff.

Yeah it looks a little wonky. Are you using this one?

No, that's depreciated all around apparently, and a second version of it is only in alpha and hasn't been touched in over a year.

I used, but didn't notice that the default group of definitions was pretty stingy. I'll just have to implement the rest.

Update: I hate this. Back-end work is terrible. Send help.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2015, 07:54:28 PM by Scout31 »

lol. Web development in general just feels very messy.

That is so true. I cleaned up the entire upload system so far, to the point where each page has about 3 lines of PHP, yet still it feels icky.

edit: almost every page has a nice, gleaming, red "DEPRECATED" text on it on my local version. Oh what fun.

edit2: the front page is successfully being displayed without a single error! But please... send help.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2015, 02:48:52 PM by Scout31 »

Are you accepting applications for add-on reviewers or something? I'd be interested.

I'm almost done with rewriting the back-end. I'm going to push it and disable upstream repositories and updates temporarily, as both of those will be extensions of the standard UploadManager class I have, and I want to make sure that's flawless first.

Here's what I have left to do before I do what is likely the biggest update yet (and yet you'll hardly notice it):
  • Implement a few more moderator commands
  • Create the rest of the Notification classes (before they were all just plain text. Now each type of notification has it's own subclass so that building the string is easier, which also allows for easier data collection and editting)
  • Fix the ability to remove Add-ons
  • Put in temporary disables for updates and repos

What I have accomplished, thanks to the new back-end
  • Improved load speeds (probably pretty negligible) by reducing disk usage
  • Submission system is now a lot more secure
  • Notifications are going to get a lot better in the near future
  • Groups (Moderator, Reviewer) are a breeze to implement
  • Two week long sessions. You don't have to log in every time anymore!
  • New Mission info for Moderators and Reviewers
  • Beginning work on the Danger Zone
  • Branches are on the verge of working

There is one note though. The filename system was different when I first started working on this, so for the sake of data continuity, I'm going to have to wipe some of the old add-ons from the system. There's a total of 8 of them:

| Asciifyer         |
| VIP               |
| Terrain Freebuild |
| CustomSelectAll   |
| Incendiary        |
| Nope              |
| Addon Information |
| TDM Server Pack   |

Are you accepting applications for add-on reviewers or something? I'd be interested.

That's next on my "to-do" list as soon as all this gets pushed out.

use markdown

Probably a better idea. I'll take a look for any good libraries.

That's next on my "to-do" list as soon as all this gets pushed out.
Ok cool. I'll be waiting.

It'd be nice if you could make the uploader automatically remove __MACOSX files.


Would a bot category be a good idea?

I'd almost prefer if you could put mods in any category. For example, the Theme system is a framework, but it's named Client_Themes, so I need to put it in the "GUI Clients" category. (Which is a weird category anyway)