Author Topic: Another loving Drama  (Read 7293 times)

I'd ban you too
it's a richard move and whiny to ask someone about their grades randomly

also, I honestly cringed at how you tried to be badass and then got banned, and are now complaining about it

Does he see himself as a martyr for 12-year-olds or something..

i dont think you know what a martyr is. because that is not even close to what op has shown.

I don't exactly have any evidence for this, nor do I really care enough to fish out a chatlog somewhere. You came on the development server, and started complaining about some missing datablocks, which is fine. We were discussing modification stuff, and then you said that you 'dont want to brag' but you're 'a pretty masterful hacker'. This slightly miffed me, and when I asked you to prove your skill you mentioned how your 'brother deleted your mod folder' so you couldn't put your abilities on the spotlight. I then asked you a simple question, pretty much an eval trick (how do you make a client possess another player) yet you never answered. When I asked you why you weren't answering, you started spamming the chat saying how you 'have smarts so you don't need coding skills' and kept asking me for my grade, age, and school. Everyone on the server was pretty much fed up at this point, so I just banned you.

As said by Killer Cop: "So we have the truth."

OP is a 12 year old who lies and flips stuff when things don't go his way/ he gets caught for lieing. He's trying to be someone he's not and he can't handle the truth that no one wants him on the forums.


woah, how was he not banned for that giant 'forget you' at the end of the thread? is that not bannable? what

woah, how was he not banned for that giant 'forget you' at the end of the thread? is that not bannable? what
Badspot or Rotondo need to see the topic/any reports of the post. He should be banned by the end of the night hopefully.

If anybody wants to hear what he said/we said
here you go:
(some was redacted because it contained real names of some of our friends.)

Thanks for trying to be a white knight and defending someone that's caught red handed Planr.
Where did I ever try to be a white knight in this thread? I challenge you to provide evidence for that.

i dont think you know what a martyr is. because that is not even close to what op has shown.
Did you not see his topic about how "not all 12 year-olds are handicaps"?

Where did I ever try to be a white knight in this thread? I challenge you to provide evidence for that.

Please explain how that is even remotely white-knighting.

If anybody wants to hear what he said/we said
here you go:
(some was redacted because it contained real names of some of our friends.)
he has 0 braincells

If anybody wants to hear what he said/we said
here you go:
(some was redacted because it contained real names of some of our friends.)
It's so obvious Luigi is trying to act like a smart-ass pointing out all the flaws in his console
"Luigi609: not to brag but I am a pro scripter" I lol'd