Author Topic: So I just found out my mom has lung cancer.  (Read 30156 times)


  • Administrator
autist is Ravencroft.  I'm just going to ban him on both accounts because he's stuff posting and I've already had to ban 10+ times just on accounts that contain the word "ravencroft".

autist is Ravencroft.  I'm just going to ban him on both accounts because he's stuff posting and I've already had to ban 10+ times just on accounts that contain the word "ravencroft".

I had a feeling autist was an alt

OP is a known pathological liar and has made up stories for attention in the past.  I think he might have a legitimate mental illness.

Previous account / ban reason
Mini_Nuker;u=133165 - Making handicapped threats
YouDontKnowMe;u=140232 - Code theft / Trolling
TheNewZedrow;u=140936 - Trolling (repeat offender) / Rule #5
   (posted fake pics of himself as "gay", made related troll thread.)
Inap;u=142116 - Pathological liar / Repeat offender
  alt of zedrow, claimed not to be, "you friends act like im the only person in the world thats ever stolen an addon"
Zedrow2;u=134870 - Art theft
   3d car models, one wasnt even a model it was an illustration

He will probably throw a tantrum because we didn't believe his story.
If this guy is lying which it rlly looks like he is, I think its sad, sad because he's playing off of actual peoples hurt and pain. There is actual people out there who have lost loved ones and actualy feel pain over it, not trying to get people to feel bad for you. And if he is not lying shame on you people :)

If this guy is lying which it rlly looks like he is, I think its sad, sad because he's playing off of actual peoples hurt and pain. There is actual people out there who have lost loved ones and actualy feel pain over it, not trying to get people to feel bad for you. And if he is not lying shame on you people :)
did you

did you
?? This guy is known for lying... if he is telling the truth which I doubt its a "the Boy who Cryed wolf" story

?? This guy is known for lying... if he is telling the truth which I doubt its a "the Boy who Cryed wolf" story
He lied, he went on a temper tantrum and got banned

This thread is absolutely hilarious