Author Topic: Would You Rather v2.0  (Read 4805 times)

kittens; forget all pussies

Would you rather play on the lego forum or the lego game

If I say one thing, I'd mean the other.

Would you rather shoot your best friend in the foot, or shoot yourself in the ass?

Shoot my friends foot easy

erroroni no question

would u rather

freefall from space without any chance of survival
get trapped in a lions cage with a big chance of survival

Lions cage, so I can pet them. They're literally big cats.
WYR so, of Jesus or Satan

would you rather steal the Cookie Monster's cookies  :cookieMonster:
or fight a giant mech Barack Obama

fight a giant mech Barack Obama

would you rather
be forced to look at your surgery painless
have a painful dentist trip with no gore

Painless surgery.

WYR stuff a cactus or literally talk out of your ass for a year.

talk out of my ass.

would you rather be forced to watch research of scat for 10 days straight. or get nut punched a billion times then have your balls explode. But you live in agonizing pain.

2nd one please

would you rather have your richard split in half  or your ass split in quarters


would you rather be a badass but incapable of getting a gf
a sadass with all de wimen