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Author Topic: off loving sucks  (Read 169799 times)

turns out mogeko castle was actually way better than the other two games as long as you can stomach some rape and gore although being better than a game in hell tier does not make it a good game

real review soon

as i side note i may have been playing such terrible games recently that my standards dropped accidentally and if so i am sorry
« Last Edit: October 17, 2015, 11:02:28 PM by DestroyerOfBlocks »

turns out mogeko castle was actually way better than the other two games as long as you can stomach some rape and gore although being better than a game in hell tier does not make it a good game

real review soon

as i side note i may have been playing such terrible games recently that my standards dropped accidentally and if so i am sorry
Play a good game and come back to us, just as a test play bad rats to see if your standards have dropped.

mogeko castle

   in mogeko castle you play as a high school girl who just wants to go home to see her brother who has been away for like a billion years and somehow in the process of entering and leaving the train you got on to go to your house you get your ass spirited away to a castle except this stuff doesnt have pansy ass wand waving wizards and stuff. the castle is inhabited by mogekos aka hedonist cat things that mostly lack morals and usually interact with you by trying to rape you or ignoring you depending on their mood. before you go back and reread what i just gifted the internet with i would like to say that i did not make any mistakes there and you are really running from rape cats for most of the game. that said this game actually manages to play better than its peers from the same dev because it removes all the stuffty rpg elements while giving multiple characters the power to not be stupid constantly and this was supposedly the first game he released even though it was rereleased so unless they made some major changes to the script i dont know what happened here. also this is sort of obvious but it doesnt handle rape with any seriousness but like anyone expected that. dont play it if youre into social justice and stuff i dont know. as as side note it has way nicer graphics than the other games and stuff too but whatever this isnt sloth morss or some stuff and i wont be jacking it to image fidelity in the foreseeable future

   the gameplay went entirely walking simulator instead of rpg thats mostly a walking simulator this time which actually helps because according to previous titles the author is incapable of making a game fun to play so removing most of the gameplay was probably the safest choice which is depressing but practical. the only possible way you can die in this stuff is if you forget up when the game presents you with some of its live or die choices or during a chase thing. the live or die choices are pick a choice and one kills you and they are usually clear enough and often out of the way and i dont acutely remember any of them being bullstuff but im sure there were some iffy ones. the chase things are where the dev shows that he still cant be trusted with anything game related and they are all you being chased down a mazey hallway with a bunch of dead ends and stuff that are impossible to predict by a horde of usually mogekos. these encounters are thankfully few and the halls are usually short and the dead ends few but its still bullstuff every time you come to a fork you bet 50/50 on coming out alive. exclusively trial and error bullstuff blows and if i ever see anyone who put something like this in a game on the street i am punching them in the richard. also walking around the mansion is never a slog because the game is designed for the player to always be triggering a cutscene or some stuff after a short walk even if there really isnt much to explore for. other features include being able to walk slowly while holding shift which serves no purpose whatsoever and being able to skip the text coming out thing all rpgs have now via pressing x which should be an undisputed industry standard but the other games made by this guy lacked it so what the forget ever man i should have done real reviews of those other games so my audience can actually have a reference to what im comparing.

   the story and characters and stuff are finally not complete trash but arent world class but a game with not trash characters around here wins my personal brass oscar. the girl you play as actually acts relatively human in that her actions and dialog aren't completely one dimensional but the trade is that all of the other characters barring a sidekick thing you get like a quarter into the game are irrelevant. it doesnt really matter much because like the entire game is focused on the girl and her quest to leave rape hogwarts with virginity intact. the whole rape hogwarts quest isnt really fleshed out though and she just kind of appears there and later in the game it may or may not be explained in a fill in the blank manner similar to off and off sucks so this sucks but its also whatever i didnt actually care about it and it was supposed to be supernatural anyway. the games story is mainly told in the cutscene heavy way that previous deep sea prisoner games used except now it doesnt suck because the dialog between characters was never painful or boring throughout so whatever it just sort of exists. not boring does not mean extra good and it doesnt really bring up anything important but i never tried to kill myself which is a first. i guess the story and characters are the main part of the game and while they arent gripping it managed to hold me over for like what 5 hours or something that the game was running albeit with breaks and steam chats.

   the graphics and stuff look better than previous incarnations by a lot and the general feel of this game is that it looks yume nikki fanart was given a game which i know despite never having played yume nikki because i am god. it takes the pixely deep sea roostersucker artstyle and replaces it with real men anime graphics that look much better and convey a sense of im in rape castle pretty good. but be warned dont actually play a game just for graphics unless its one of those arty experiment things or youre a tool and should find out how well modeled bullets are in real life. music is pretty normal and i think there were some tracks that were above average but i dont actually have a desire to go back and relisten to anything that was played in game but at least it wasnt annoying. sound design is also pretty normal barring some screams that play almost exclusively for rape scenes which are sort of forgeted up because if i have to explain why they are forgeted up you need some help. other than that its standard fare and no one will be like wow mogeko assle has some really good menu sounds because no one ever does that. also im sorry to disappoint but all rape is fade to black with noises so dont be mad at me and especially dont be mad at me with your richard out.

   overall mogeko castle was not actually the final straw on my proverbial camel and proved that it is still possible for even the worst game developers to actually do something with their lives if they strip out all gameplay and most characters. as stated i wasnt reaching for my handy dandy game reviewing noose at any time during it except for the stupid ass chase scenes which sucked. it was still like 5 hours dedicated mostly to viewing cutscenes and stuff but it was still not awful and im not sure if it should be upper boring or lower decent enough category whatever forget it im just placing it in low decent even though im sure my friends on steam will never let it go which proves that i am a paragon of fair journalism. play it if you want i dont care but it lasts like 5 hours so get ready to commit.

current tier list
decent time waster tier
  sluggish morss
  space funeral
  mimicry man
  mogeko castle

boring tier
  presentable liberty

worse than Riddler tier
  the gray garden

off tier

worse than off tier

also according to my weaboo friends on steam there is another deep sea prisoner game coming out in december so dont fret

also i need a new game to review

previously suggested

probably some other stuff i dont know dont suggest undertale because its better than all of this trash

also if you gift me a game on steam i will play that stuff for sure but good luck finding it
warning: my computer blows so dont do anything that requires anything close to good specs
« Last Edit: October 18, 2015, 02:06:21 AM by DestroyerOfBlocks »

dont play lisa that game is actually good and you are not allowed to play good games

somemario bros forget game in rpg maker
play it
its on gamejolt (aka game cemetary)

also im not going to play games that are obvious jokes and low effort because thats just boring

also im not going to play games that are obvious jokes and low effort because thats just boring
maybe ananke? its freeeeee

five nights at forgetboys (again, if you /really/ want to die)

five nights at forgetboys (again, if you /really/ want to die)

(and yes, that's the actual title, he doesn't mean the actual FnaF game)

this game. holy stuff this game.
did I just read the diary of satan

five nights at forgetboys (again, if you /really/ want to die)
if i have to listen to pepper steak again im taking a long walk off a short pier with my friend the ball and chain wrapped tightly around my ankle

Play earthbound, you might like it.

I remember playing ib like 3-4 years ago.
Haven't heard about it since and I'm wondering what you'd think of it.

I remember playing ib like 3-4 years ago.
Haven't heard about it since and I'm wondering what you'd think of it.
Sounds extremely familiar but I can't remember what game that is, is it the one in the art museum?