Author Topic: If you could be the president of the US, what would you do first?  (Read 11225 times)

no tall people allowed
if i cant be the average height neither Can you

I would first pardon all non-violent drug users and pass a bill through Congress that would set aside money for rehabilitation programs.

I will then leave the Middle East and only station troops in Israel.

I will then restructure the NSA.

I will then kill the military budget to an actually not dumbly big budget.

I will then reassign 30% of that money to a new Department of Research and Development.

I will then reassign the 20% to NASA.

Then the rest to relieve our need to borrow.

I would raise the military budget to like a lot and also nasa to like a lot
also kill everyone but myself and the military + nasa
and then I would kill everyone on earth using nasa and the military on the rocket they built to fly to the next galaxy
and then I would kill myself

and then I would kill myself

no dsont your live is precious
« Last Edit: October 30, 2015, 07:14:14 PM by Electrk. »

Any bills related to killing net neutrality will be automatically vetoed.

No data caps on network services (e.g. Comcast).

No throttling specific websites.

Military budget lowered.

Unviolent drug users freed.

Free rehabilitation or higher rehabilitation budget from government.

That's all I can think of.

Abolish any and all license requirements to marry and get rid of marriage benefits. There should be no government control over who you love and how much you love them. Put a ban on circumcision, too.

no tall people allowed
if i cant be the average height neither Can you
forget. Time to off myself

Put a ban on circumcision, too.
a ban? idk
I think it's reasonable to forbid it being done to babies, but if someone's grown and wants to get rid of it that should absolutely be their decision to make

Put a ban on circumcision, too.
You do realize that has to do with health as well as religion right?

You do realize that has to do with health as well as religion right?
if your religion asks of you to amputate your baby's legs that would not be okay in any modern civilization, religion or not

if your religion asks of you to amputate your baby's legs that would not be okay in any modern civilization, religion or not
i'd say the little bit of skin on the top of a pecker is a bit far off from a limb

i'd say the little bit of skin on the top of a pecker is a bit far off from a limb
it doesn't matter what part it is
it wouldn't be okay to crop their ears, either. or cut off the tip of their nose. anything that involves cutting parts off of your child is not ok

also, judging by your description of it, you don't seem to know what circumcision is, so I'm not sure you're qualified to argue in favor of it

i'd say the little bit of skin on the top of a pecker is a bit far off from a limb
idk about you but 'little bit of skin' > dried, desensitized glans