
your thoughts?

1 (11.1%)
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no but it's the third option
8 (88.9%)

Total Members Voted: 9

Author Topic: should whites be taxed for being white?  (Read 156584 times)

Shooting, it feels really good

I wish I produced enough cum to really shoot, but cum is the best.

If you shoot just droplets, try blueballing yourself for a few days to a few weeks. Jaking off after doing that leads to some "Explosive" results

shooting. i like to say "pew pew" when it comes out

shooting. feels way better usually
first legit answer comes from a duck

literally shooting cum out of a gun

what can i say. . .

i guess ur all ur QUACKED up 2 be hahahhaa



the joke actually makes no sense I just wanted to use quacked up in a sentence

editors note: are you *Duck on my snapchat

*proof i know how to use capital letters

do you guys like thin watery cum or thick n sticky globs

Kinda sticky and thick but watery at the same time