Author Topic: Programming Megathread  (Read 107525 times)

If youre going with web design, go with HTML, CSS, Javascript, and a few others like PHP
If your going for more practical things, theres Python, C (and its variants C++ and C#),  and some others
Theres also what are called "Esoteric Programming Languages". These arent really meant to be taken serious, theyre more of an novelty language for programmer enjoyment. Theres one EPL called "Brainforget" which is supposedly really hard to work with.
If you ever need help, the fourm has alot of computer gurus like ZSNO and Pecon
One more thing, if you get put into a AP Computer Science course, most of them as far as I know use Java
That's not what he's asking though
Also i don't think you mean it but it sounds like you're saying web dev is impractical

state mandated computer science course run through "virtual arkansas" but their webpage is stuffty and offers no course information. this is all i can really find:
It says "for students with no formal computer programming experience" so it should be fine
« Last Edit: August 14, 2016, 09:48:19 PM by Headcrab Zombie »

I'd be worried that they might be teaching HTML instead.
That might actually be more probable, the same kind of class at my university is HTML.

So while HTML/CSS isn't technically programming i am really proud of something I made today.

I have a ranking list for my smash group and it previously looked like this

but I made this new version today

I'm really proud of how it looks. I want to be able to automatically update the points (under the names) and the order of the names depending on who is first, and i can export a .csv from the program, but idk how to hook it up to my site..

Yo, I'm starting to programming now, what should I start with?

Yo, I'm starting to programming now, what should I start with?

Play with Python. I've only toyed with it but it seems easy enough and I guess there's a reason why everyone recommends it.

Play with Python. I've only toyed with it but it seems easy enough and I guess there's a reason why everyone recommends it.
Yeah. I wanna see that.

Yeah. I wanna see that.
the world is your oyster dude
google how to python or some stuff and you'll find guides upon guides on how to get started

Yeah. I wanna see that.

Also if you're looking to make games there's pygame (i think that's what that is) but I've personally used Love 2D with Lua and it was really easy to make a simple platformer despite knowing next to nothing about Lua.

So while HTML/CSS isn't technically programming i am really proud of something I made today.

I have a ranking list for my smash group and it previously looked like this

but I made this new version today

I'm really proud of how it looks. I want to be able to automatically update the points (under the names) and the order of the names depending on who is first, and i can export a .csv from the program, but idk how to hook it up to my site..

Looks good. I have the know-hows but I am not artistic by any means so I can't come up with decent designs. I'm really in to web design, this is my vaporwave meme website: , sound warning. You can change the song with the start menu.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2016, 12:16:08 AM by Steve5451² »

well stuff, i tried to download Love 2D and Norton thinks it isn't safe.

Play with Python. I've only toyed with it but it seems easy enough and I guess there's a reason why everyone recommends it.
the best thing about python is its standard library. it's perfect
I have the know-hows but I am not artistic by any means so I can't come up with decent designs.
tfw same :(
bootstrap helps

So while HTML/CSS isn't technically programming i am really proud of something I made today.

I have a ranking list for my smash group and it previously looked like this

but I made this new version today

I'm really proud of how it looks. I want to be able to automatically update the points (under the names) and the order of the names depending on who is first, and i can export a .csv from the program, but idk how to hook it up to my site..
