Author Topic: The Sacred Order of The Harvest.  (Read 390662 times)

This may actually be the best conversation ever

When he said what joke I was referring to the chemical reaction thing
Since Ik you love sharing private convos so much <3

I already knew you were going to post our conversation.

I would also like to leave the harvest due to the circumstances regarding Nick's harvesting.

Then I would have to Harvest you. No hard feelings.

Well I did like that crossbow so I should be able to squeeze you in.

Don't bother applying. If we feel you are ready to join the Harvest we will invite you.
Members are anonymous.

Since Ik you love sharing private convos so much <3
The way he responds to you saying he's trolling ("define trolling" and "i don't know what you're talking about") seems really suspicious to me.
Also, tony sure is taking a while to put nickpb on the harvested list, despite having declared him "harvested" about two hours ago.

I don't want to Harvest NickPB he's like a brother to me but if you leave Harvest you must become Harvested. I really don't want to do it.

I don't want to Harvest NickPB he's like a brother to me
i know ur most likely trolling but if he was a brother to u u wouldn't have screwed him over like u did in the chat

This hurts me more than it does him. I don't want him to go.

Anyways onto Harvest news.

Brother Modman and I have some special project planned. Current Harvest members are allowed to participate.

today shall be marked as the great harvest
Brother Modman
so that means that if modman leaves the harvest then you'll get harvested because of blood bonds????
« Last Edit: June 07, 2016, 05:08:09 PM by Drydess »

the present day shalt beest did mark as the most wondrous foison

Sure did, this only makes Harvest stronger.

The way he responds to you saying he's trolling ("define trolling" and "i don't know what you're talking about") seems really suspicious to me.
Also, tony sure is taking a while to put nickpb on the harvested list, despite having declared him "harvested" about two hours ago.
Just saw this post. Youre a psychopath .

dastardly Nick "Going Mental on the Oriental" PB

I laughed irl at that, wow.  That was pretty good.

Can I join?


No cool person would have three Os in his name and then numbers following it after.