New Duplicator 1.6.2 | Now on BL Glass

Author Topic: New Duplicator 1.6.2 | Now on BL Glass  (Read 193971 times)

Version 1.4.2
•  Added option to not install the updater (set $Pref::ND::DisableUpdater to 1)
•  Changed default positions of the selection box corners for faster selecting

•  Fixed: Selecting through bricks if they are close to the camera
•  Removed unused highlight delay setting from RTB prefs

Use the automatic updater if you can, otherwise download again from the first page.
If the updater does not show an update, run this command: Updater.checkForUpdates();
« Last Edit: June 19, 2016, 10:22:23 AM by Zeblote »

How do I use Force Plant?
I need to know and there's no info on it.

How do I use Force Plant?
I need to know and there's no info on it.

Thanks you greatly.
Shoot, why aren't these commands in the OP?
Also, where can I find a list of these commands?

How do I use Force Plant?
I need to know and there's no info on it.
also /forcePlant or /fp will just force plant your current selection

also /forcePlant or /fp will just force plant your current selection

It allows you to to plant bricks in the air, in unstable terrain, or even in the ground, right?

It allows you to to plant bricks in the air, in unstable terrain, or even in the ground, right?

Well, unstable terrain and in the ground are plant errors that you cant really encounter anymore. But if you mean 'stuck' when you try to plant brick in the slate floor, than no. Only floating.

I'm also experiencing lag spikes when connecting larger segments of builds when that build is floating. I think it's the new dupe taking time to connect them into one segments.
Any way to fix this?

i can't figure out how to mirror a selection aaa

regardless this is an awesome tool. the way you designed the box selection to work like a selection in say photoshop is really useful and a major improvement from the duplorcator

i can't figure out how to mirror a selection aaa

regardless this is an awesome tool. the way you designed the box selection to work like a selection in say photoshop is really useful and a major improvement from the duplorcator
/mirror <axis>
I think

/mirror [x, y, or z] /m [x, y, or z]
/d, /du, /dup, /dupl, /dupli, etc
/forceplant /fp
/toggleforceplant /tfp

that's all i know of; fillpaint is pressing e while in select mode

Here's a list of all the commands found in the files
==> is an alias

/DV ==> /DupVersion
/DC ==> /DupClients


/Duplicator ==> /NewDuplicator
/Duplicato  ==> /NewDuplicator
/Duplicat   ==> /NewDuplicator
/Duplica    ==> /NewDuplicator
/Duplic     ==> /NewDuplicator
/Dupli      ==> /NewDuplicator
/Dupl       ==> /NewDuplicator
/Dup        ==> /NewDuplicator
/Du         ==> /NewDuplicator
/D          ==> /NewDuplicator


/ShiftBrick [x] [y] [z]
/SuperShiftBrick [x] [y] [z]
/RotateBrick [direction]



/NdMultiSelect [bool]

/Mirror [a]
/MirX ==> /MirrorX
/MirY ==> /MirrorY
/MirZ ==> /MirrorZ
/Mir [a] ==> /Mirror [a]
/MX ==> /MirrorX
/MY ==> /MirrorY
/MZ ==> /MirrorZ
/M [a] ==> /Mirror [a]

/FP ==> /ForcePlant
/TFP ==> /ToggleForcePlant

/UseSprayCan [index]
/UseFxCan [index]

/FW  ==> /FillWrench

/NdStartFillWrench [data]

/SaveDup [f0] [f1] [f2] [f3] [f4] [f5] [f6] [f7]
/LoadDup [f0] [f1] [f2] [f3] [f4] [f5] [f6] [f7]
/SD [f0] [f1] [f2] [f3] [f4] [f5] [f6] [f7] ==> /SaveDup [f0] [f1] [f2] [f3] [f4] [f5] [f6] [f7]
/LD [f0] [f1] [f2] [f3] [f4] [f5] [f6] [f7] ==> /LoadDup [f0] [f1] [f2] [f3] [f4] [f5] [f6] [f7]

/AllDups [pattern]
/AD [pattern]  ==> /AllDups [pattern]


some of them aren't supposed to be called manually so beware

Thanks Zeblote. I know you said this before in the topic, but it got buried.
You should add it to the OP so it doesn't get buried again.

Excuse me, but why is the new duplicator running slower than it used to?

Excuse me, but why is the new duplicator running slower than it used to?

I'm not sure what you mean by "running slower". Maybe someone messed up your RTB prefs, try checking this one and clicking save:

Otherwise I have no idea, I didn't change the default speed.

Some random stats: New dup has been downloaded 14200 times :D
« Last Edit: July 02, 2016, 10:25:48 AM by Zeblote »