Author Topic: donald Annoying Orange probably disqualified from running (unconfirmed)  (Read 12616 times)

what? Did you even read his loving post? He never stated that he just stated that providing free community college is a terrible idea.
My favorite thing about you stufflord is how you CONSTANTLY try to show how intelligent you are but everytime without fail someone of a far far superior intellect shuts you up  
what the forget is wrong with you
calm yourself
take it to drama if you're going to act like this
i read his post fully
i dont understand how free college means people will be slacking off
Alright, but whos not going to go to college if its 'FREE' (pro tip: its not free)
only people who want to go to college because not everyone wants to spend 4 years for an extra education for no reason

bernie isnt making college mandatory
bernies plan is to use tax money to pay for students colleges.

take a look at the public school system. kids aren't motivated and end up dropping out.

but since i know im gonna have over 20,000 bucks i gotta pay up i better start getting my ass to work in class.

could've just said forget the refugees but why forget the Muslims?
Well I didnt mean to type that. whoops.
You can read it yourself, Public Law 414, Section 212, Chapter 2, page 185, parts F and G prohibit entry of Aliens into the United States if said alien advocates or teaches the overthrow by force, violence, or other unconstitutional means of the Government of the United States or of all forms of law.
Aliens who write or publish, or cause to be written or published, or who knowingly circulate, distribute, print, or display, or knowingly cause to be circulated, distributed, printed, published, or displayed, or who knowingly have in their possession for the purpose of circulation, publication, distribution, or display, any written or printed matter, advocating or teaching opposition to all organized government, or advocating or teaching (i) the overthrow by force, violence, or other unconstitutional means of the Government of the United States or of all forms of law;
The very definition of this law would rule out Islamic immigration into the United States due to the fact that the the Koran and Sharia Law require complete submission to Islam. These teachings are antithetical to the US Constitution and to the republic. If Muslims attest that the Koran is their guiding principle then they also subscribe to the submission to the way of Allah/Islam. It's stated in the Hadith directly, under Sahih Muslim (19:4294) and numerous other times throughout the Koran, "Submit to Allah or die". This is also stated by Muhammed's trusted advisor, Abu Bakr in a letter to the Persians
You should convert to Islam, and then you will be safe, for if you don't, you should know that I have come to you with an army of men that love death, as you love life.

Of course, I doubt anything is going to come of this because it's just more liberal news nonsense, but if it does, the McCarran–Walter Act can be directly cited as a legal basis for the statements Annoying Orange is making

even if this is a joke this is the most cancerous stuff i've read in a while
theres a problem when even I'M talking about how cancerous something is
I love how you openly acknowledge how pathetic and sad you are rofl

wanna tell someone to kill themselves again? Did you learn how to not be an insufferable puke yet?? Or are you just another case of a stuff stain slowly forming on the carpet waiting for another ban

bernies plan is to use tax money to pay for students colleges.

take a look at the public school system. kids aren't motivated and end up dropping out.

but since i know im gonna have over 20,000 bucks i gotta pay up i better start getting my ass to work in class.
then set the standards for graduation higher so people have to actually work hard

i dont understand how free college means people will be slacking off only people who want to go to college because not everyone wants to spend 4 years for an extra education for no reason
My friend, who does not want to slack off for almost free for four years? Very few young adults are actually motivated to move through college or do anything at all.

i dont understand how free college means people will be slacking off only people who want to go to college because not everyone wants to spend 4 years for an extra education for no reason
Firstly, it's not for "no reason." It makes people more employable and knowledgeable, which, believe it or not, some people like.
Secondly, free college would basically be helicopter parents forcing their parents to go to college or something like that, mixed with scholars and geniuses that don't have enough money to go to full college.

then set the standards for graduation higher so people have to actually work hard
so what about the people that drop out of the free college after the state devotes thousands into them? That plan doesn't solve anything stufflord

then set the standards for graduation higher so people have to actually work hard
that will definitely not work

Well I didnt mean to type that. whoops.
Someone's a secret raaacist~~

i'd have to agree with trogtor here, if college was free you'd just get a bunch of lazy-ass students who don't really give a stuff about college. i do hate paying thousands of dollars to attend, though

yeah i guess i didnt really think about it that way
it was a nice thought that maybe it would work though

Its funny because you called him a stufflord even though that is his name, but you meant it in a negative way rather than calling him by name.

i dont understand how free college means people will be slacking off only people who want to go to college because not everyone wants to spend 4 years for an extra education for no reason
because whats the big deal if you fail that means you just get another year of free college that some person is going to have to pay for.