Author Topic: donald Annoying Orange probably disqualified from running (unconfirmed)  (Read 12612 times)

woo Annoying Orange you get those towel heads out

Bernie Sanders. From what I've seen and read about him, His views are exactly what we need.
I'm pretty hesitant about Bernie. I don't like his plans on wealth distribution. He seems good on intent but whether or not his stuff works is what makes me wonder.

i don't want to pay taxes so kids can slack off in college. Bernie's plan is most likely going to destroy us economically.
Well, look at the other candidates so far and think of the future results.
Jeb Bush would be better, but he screwed himself over already.

i don't want to pay taxes so kids can slack off in college. Bernie's plan is most likely going to destroy us economically.
bernie isnt making college mandatory

And not all muslims are terrorist. and what do you call the Hardcore Gamers in this country? they're terrorist too, and they're not muslim. This video addresses the whole "not all Muslims are terrorists" statement.

And "Terrorism" isn't actually a very well defined term (there's a ton of debate over what is and is not actually classified as terrorism, definitions change from country to country etc). From the definition I like to go by: mass shootings are not acts of terrorism because they are not made because of ideological reasons, they are made by mentally unstable individuals.

For example: A terrorist would crash a plane into a skyscraper because he hates the ideology of the country in which said skyscraper is located. A mentally deranged person would shoot up a theatre full of people without a real reason other than just being mentally ill. This video addresses the whole "not all Muslims are terrorists" statement.

And "Terrorism" isn't actually a very well defined term (there's a ton of debate over what is and is not actually classified as terrorism, definitions change from country to country etc). From the definition I like to go by: mass shootings are not acts of terrorism because they are not made because of ideological reasons, they are made by mentally unstable individuals.

For example: A terrorist would crash a plane into a skyscraper because he hates the ideology of the country in which said skyscraper is located. A mentally deranged person would shoot up a theatre full of people without a real reason other than just being mentally ill.
you realize these people do this stuff because they want to have their jihad so they can see allah and serve their duty to allah
if thats not mentally deranged i dont know what is

bernie isnt making college mandatory
Alright, but whos not going to go to college if its 'FREE' (pro tip: its not free)

bernie isnt making college mandatory
what? Did you even read his loving post? He never stated that he just stated that providing free community college is a terrible idea.
My favorite thing about you stufflord is how you CONSTANTLY try to show how intelligent you are but everytime without fail someone of a far far superior intellect shuts you up  

Are 90% of the mass shootings caused by Americans in Britain as well?

so hows that texan secession going

bernie isnt making college mandatory
He's just making it affordable so more people will go instead of avoid it because they don't life long student loan debt. I don't mind paying extra taxes if it means more people can afford to go to college so we have more people in the work force. Most of the world has free college tuition, some countries even pay the people going to college. Because those people are the future work force, you want them to go to college and not drop out.

How old is the OP? I've just been making jokes but I'm actually curious if he's able to vote. Because I HIGHLY doubt he is 18 looking at the quality of his posts
Arent they the same thing
both smell like camel spit

I like buildings not blown up and I like to eat pig so I support Annoying Orange. banish the camel jockeys

Let's get a big ass barge and put all the muslims on it. Then loving blow that barge up and they can build mud huts at the bottom of the atlantic

Sure im okay with banning the bible humpers
What about the dirty spics can we just loving fire them into space?

even if this is a joke this is the most cancerous stuff i've read in a while
theres a problem when even I'M talking about how cancerous something is

As for the refugees/Muslims, forget refugees/Muslims right now. Its not nice to say but holy stuff this country should be stable before we help others.

could've just said forget the refugees but why forget the Muslims?

blockland talks politics, boys
lets hear these viewpoints