Author Topic: Star Wars Episode 7 Reactions (WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS)  (Read 13268 times)

Boy I sure enjoyed that remake of Star Wars Episode IV  :cookieMonster:

Apparently, JJ got in a fight with Lucas after the release and JJ already had plans for 2 other sequels and Lucas was a bitch so he spoiled it online. The second movie will be named Episode 8: Revenge of Ren And Episode 9: Balance of the Force. jk cunt this ain't real

This movie is just a result of a huge budget with stuffty writing, as most Hollywood movies end up.
The entire movie was the original trilogy packed into a single movie like a home made wiener.
So you saying the original trilogy was stuffty?

Who is this bad ass Rey chick? Is Kylo going to finish his training with Snoke and be a total badass? Who is Snoke anyway? He was talked about with Palpatine in the 3rd film. "Darth Plagueis the wise..." Then Kylo says in the force awakens "No, the Supreme Leader is wise!" Snoke = Darth Plagueis? If so, Kylo is offspring of who he(Darth Plagueis) created. Anakin - Leia - Ben (Kylo) And so he's being trained by his force great great great grandfather? He's most likely able to live for thousands of years. He's probably going to "crush"(line Han solo says to Ben right before he gets killed) Kylo as soon as his training is finished, and take over his body. He's teaching his new apprentice everything he knows.

Here's Palpatine talking about Darth Plagueis.

Here is Snokes theme, and the soundtrack that played while Palpatine is talking about Darth Plagueis

Snoke MUST be Darth Plagueis.

If this is all true, Rey must be Lukes daughter, and she's the only one who would be strong enough to kill Kylo, (or Darth plagueis, if his body is taken over) because she had two Jedi's who made her. (Luke, and I'm guessing Mara Jade who is in the expanded universe) However, Ben only had his mother (Leia) as someone with the force.

Have I just turned into a fan conspiracy theorist?
« Last Edit: December 19, 2015, 03:39:53 PM by KickFlow »

So you saying the original trilogy was stuffty?
Of course I'm not, If I thought the original trilogy was stuffty why would I be so upset about how bad the new one was?

Of course I'm not, If I thought the original trilogy was stuffty why would I be so upset about how bad the new one was?
you said it was stuffty and then instantly said it was exactly like the original trilogy lol

you said it was stuffty and then instantly said it was exactly like the original trilogy lol
It was the original trilogy packed into one movie. The story felt rushed and necessary elements of a trilogy were lost such as detailed character development. The original trilogy was much better than this movie because they took three movies to resolve the conflict. In this movie, they established the conflict and solved it within the first movie of a planned trilogy. When have you ever seen that before in a trilogy?

It was the original trilogy packed into one movie. The story felt rushed and necessary elements of a trilogy were lost such as detailed character development. The original trilogy was much better than this movie because they took three movies to resolve the conflict. In this movie, they established the conflict and solved it within the first movie of a planned trilogy. When have you ever seen that before in a trilogy?
The conflict is still there? Kylo and Captain P, along with General Hux, most likely escaped, and kylo gone to train with Snoke. There's plenty left in this story.

Finally saw the movie, I cried like a bitch when Solo died even though I knew it was coming. My favorite character was Poe, Finn is cool I like the humorous scenes with him. Rey is bit of a Mary Sue but if they expand on her abandonment problems I think she will grow as a character.

In this movie, they established the conflict and solved it within the first movie of a planned trilogy.
The Republic is crippled or destroyed, the First Order is the largest power in the galaxy, none of the villains died, Han Solo must be avenged, Rey must find out her true past and parentage, they still have to explain how they found the lightsaber. The original movie was wrapped up better than this.

Also I wanted to see more of Hosnian Prime before they blew it up, I wanted some scenes of the Republic senate. Can't believe I'm saying this but I wanted more of the Republic politics, George Lucas was right all along.

EDIT: Stormtroopers are actually badass in this movie. Except Phasma.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2015, 06:38:16 PM by Alternat¡ve »

do you have to be related to a jedi to become one, or is it some random thing?

if you are related to a jedi then chances are you are a jedi
but some people are just force sensitive, i don't know if it is ever clarified how, and they are taken from a young age by the jedis and trained

if you are related to a jedi then chances are you are a jedi
but some people are just force sensitive, i don't know if it is ever clarified how, and they are taken from a young age by the jedis and trained

if i recall corrently, isn't rey's family origin completely unknown?

if i recall corrently, isn't rey's family origin completely unknown?

what? i thought when she touched Luke's lightsaber and that alien lady was talking to her, it was basically implied/revealed that she was Luke's daughter

what? i thought when she touched Luke's lightsaber and that alien lady was talking to her, it was basically implied/revealed that she was Luke's daughter
it wasnt confirmed at all
but people speculate