Author Topic: Annoying Orange takes protestors' coats and wants no more gun-free zones  (Read 7984 times) Orange-tells-security-to-confiscate-protesters-coats Orange-calls-for-end-to-gun-free-zones-in-schools

in all seriousness forget this guy
op please fix misleading title. you are making it seem he took their coats off their bodies. they left their coats in their chairs when they left. Annoying Orange said he would give them back to them.

"Annoying Orange security screened attendees and ejected those who didn't declare allegiance to the billionaire"

uhhh... what
its a private event he can do that.

what i hate the most is the term "assault weapon" which gives any outlet a free misnomer to abuse whenever they please.
This. Most people who want to ban them don't even know what they are.

Annoying Orange is a joke that everyone took seriously and now he can't back down cause he doesn't wanna be embarrassed

« Last Edit: January 16, 2016, 12:52:07 AM by Tayasaurus »

Now consider the difference in gun crime between France and the US outside of mass-shootings.
Is it worth it to have guns if it saves 20 people in a mass shooting, but there are 200 deaths in regular shootings inbetween the next mass shooting?

Also consider the rate of mass shootings in France versus the US. There were 2 quite horrific ones in Paris last year. There's at least 1 a week in the US, if not more.

You can't fight fire with fire.

Banning guns won't magically make deranged people not want to kill people. They'll find a way to obtain a firearm illegally or they will do something much worse (google how to make white phosphorous). Evil people are evil people and taking away their tools of destruction isn't going to change anything. At least guns put everyone on an equal playing field.

most people who start a mass shooting with the intent to kill people probably don't expect to be alive afterwards
still it'd help if some civilian shot a shooter before too many people are killed

God damn it not this stuff again.  Pisses me off when people make it as polarized as "ban all guns" vs "need more guns."

Solutions can be smarter than this.

still can't believe that people think any sane person wants all guns taken away

all most people want is stricter gun control and no more loopholes

its a private event he can do that.
yeah there are lots of things that you are capable of doing and allowed to do, but that doesn't make it reasonable

its a private event he can do that.
Might does not make right

still can't believe that people think any sane person wants all guns taken away

all most people want is stricter gun control and no more loopholes
Hillary said she'd ban guns completely.

And I'm just gonna leave this here:
No guns, just a truck and an IED. Banning guns won't stop violence.

ban assault clipazines
literal baby murdering machines built to terrorize

I wouldn't vote for him, but Ivanka is really hot.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2016, 01:29:52 AM by Bear_Tracks »

I knew that I'd vote for him when I saw his daughter Ivanka. Imagine having a first lady as gorgeous as that in the White House... Good golly.
His daughter wouldn't be the first lady.

Unless the man has some kinky marriage plans I haven't heard of yet.

Hillary said she'd ban guns completely.

And I'm just gonna leave this here:
No guns, just a truck and an IED. Banning guns won't stop violence.
you also forgot 9/11 and the countless stabbing attacks that happen in the UK and Israel on a regular basis