
Who would you like to win?

R. Senator Cruz
D. Former SoS Hillary Clinton
R. Donald Annoying Orange
D. Senator Sanders
R. Senator Rubio
D. Memer O'Memer
R. Dr. Ben Carson

Author Topic: Iowa Caucus - Democrat: Clinton won Republican: Cruz won -UPDATE-  (Read 9680 times)

I always believed in Ted

OP is misleading; a win is a win, even if by one delegate.

they declared it a virtual tie

in case of a tie, there is but one process:

a fight to the death

in case of a tie, there is but one process:

a fight to the death

they would both just die from alzheimer's

if bernie wins is he going to stand in the background while blm protesters give his presidential speeches

if bernie wins is he going to stand in the background while blm protesters give his presidential speeches
four score three years ago, our founding fathers had played apoun this land, a land of freedom they had given their all to free the American populous from British control, the American militia had won the war over freedom and control, we lost many soldiers and at this point I'm pulling stuff out of my ass, do meme machines dream of broken dreams? I lost my mouth and I cannot meme, i believe it was last seen in the broken dream box, aaaaaa

they declared it a virtual tie

I hate them both but shillary won.

i made a cutout if anyone wants to makes their own :^)
« Last Edit: February 02, 2016, 10:51:31 AM by Frequency »

[im g]http://static1.gamespot.com/uploads/original/1551/15517698/2959123-1446334021990.png[/img]

I hate them both but shillary won.

it was a tie. they did a coin flip to break it so I guess the results show an extra delegate to hillary since she won the coin flip

speaking of which why the forget is a coin flip allowed to determine something like that

speaking of which why the forget is a coin flip allowed to determine something like that

democracy :^)

it was a tie. they did a coin flip to break it so I guess the results show an extra delegate to hillary since she won the coin flip

speaking of which why the forget is a coin flip allowed to determine something like that
got a problem with our new congress member called the quarter?

its not our fault he couldnt make up his mind.

Iowa only has 6 electoral votes.

Iowa only has 6 electoral votes.
I think you're missing the point of the iowa caucus if you think that's the only thing that matters