


Author Topic: Overwatch Megathread  (Read 844479 times)

i got to diamond rank in lucioball last year

yeah got placed in diamond again
« Last Edit: August 11, 2018, 01:18:21 PM by JumboMuffin »

Today I discovered almost every map has a way to glitch out of bounds with D.va or Sombra, 10/10


I started playing this game again today and god damn I love this dumb hamster, even playing against him is fun


I started playing this game again today and god damn I love this dumb hamster, even playing against him is fun
Fun? Yes. Useful? No

the PlayOverwatch twitter just teased us with a clip showing chateau guillard at nighttime
new mode or did widowmaker just give it a spooky makeover??

all I hope is it doesn't involve mystery ffa, ugh

The Bastion is really nice wow
D.Va's mech is nice too

Reinhardt doesn't feel so good lol

Oh boy new hero has knockback mechanics, I sure do love not having control of my character

forget ashe, I want bob to be the next hero

bob is ashe ult, its a 12 second 7th team member

Ashe does look kinda interesting, but i am more interested in Echo (the robot lady).
I also heard Ashe wasn't originally the next hero, but they tried to make her one and it worked out.

Would make sense in the context of the short, while it revolved more around Ashe and McCree, it did look like Echo was the true reveal at the end.

Can someone please explain to me why Americans hate Hanzo's on their team?

idk about you guys but ashe is low-key a jojo character with her mobster skin, BOB even looks like a stand lol