


Author Topic: Overwatch Megathread  (Read 844470 times)

make me feel like a good player and not low diamond trash

Nu-symmetra is out

what do you guys think about her? I think taking away her projected barrier kinda killed any chance she had for 1v1s with her new gun

i like her new throwable turrets and teleporter
i feel like she has much more mobility and utility than she did previously

this was all in one game i'm crying

Nu-symmetra is out

what do you guys think about her?
i rly like it so far actually! it's weird to get used to the turrets actually having more than 1 hp now though lol
i'm loving the new horizon map too

Hamtaro’s loving pissed and built an orb robot with guns

officerzach got his final revenge

« Last Edit: June 28, 2018, 01:42:30 PM by gr8dayseth »


holy mother of patches, they basically buffed some hitscan heroes and added a new hitscan hero, and nerfed hanzo

permanent stealth, twice!

we obviously needed a hamster in a mech that left the moon and landed in irradiated australia and won mech battles for fun

Well if you put it that way then yeah we did

What a loving stupid ass hero. Guess im done with this stuff game

I can understand certain unrealistic things in this game like Hanzo and Genji being able to summon dragons, Widow being purple, ext. but having a loving hamster piloting a mech is a new kind of stupid that completely detracts from the experience. Theres a certain point where you go too far with the quirky, "what the hell?" sort of stuff. My face when they announced such a stupid character made me want to stop playing entirely. Apes, like Winston, are known to be smart, so something like that is easy to look past. Not a loving rodent. He’s on a completely different level of nonsense. An intelligent, robot-piloting hamster seems something more fitting for a children’s cartoon. It’s not just another “fun whacky thing”, it’s way out of line with anything else we see and detracts from the setting. A tiny rodent hero, esp if he talks in a high pitched mechanical robot voice, just feels like its from a different game like Rachet and Clank or Jak and Daxter, not Overwatch. If its real, then its the biggest tonal shift Overwatch will ever go through. Next we will have talking pelicans flying around and sentient balloons on Blizzardworld with googly eyes.

What a loving stupid ass hero. Guess im done with this stuff game

I can understand certain unrealistic things in this game like Hanzo and Genji being able to summon dragons, Widow being purple, ext. but having a loving hamster piloting a mech is a new kind of stupid that completely detracts from the experience. Theres a certain point where you go too far with the quirky, "what the hell?" sort of stuff. My face when they announced such a stupid character made me want to stop playing entirely. Apes, like Winston, are known to be smart, so something like that is easy to look past. Not a loving rodent. He’s on a completely different level of nonsense. An intelligent, robot-piloting hamster seems something more fitting for a children’s cartoon. It’s not just another “fun whacky thing”, it’s way out of line with anything else we see and detracts from the setting. A tiny rodent hero, esp if he talks in a high pitched mechanical robot voice, just feels like its from a different game like Rachet and Clank or Jak and Daxter, not Overwatch. If its real, then its the biggest tonal shift Overwatch will ever go through. Next we will have talking pelicans flying around and sentient balloons on Blizzardworld with googly eyes.
it's the same reason as winston as to why they're both intelligent, just was a different species. the robot talks for him. tbh if u actually do care that much about the story in this game u should realize that https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEnC_N06Uxc
pls if u have this much of a problem with one character not being that realistic in the fictional future that u'll straight up quit the game because of it this isn't the game for u even before this hero was announced. zenyatta is a pretty silly character at first glance too but nobody has any problems with him being in the game lol

anyway he's rly fun to play as and against in my experience so i don't rly see much of an issue regardless
« Last Edit: June 29, 2018, 01:10:33 PM by gr8dayseth »

What a loving stupid ass hero. Guess im done with this stuff game

I can understand certain unrealistic things in this game like Hanzo and Genji being able to summon dragons, Widow being purple, ext. but having a loving hamster piloting a mech is a new kind of stupid that completely detracts from the experience. Theres a certain point where you go too far with the quirky, "what the hell?" sort of stuff. My face when they announced such a stupid character made me want to stop playing entirely. Apes, like Winston, are known to be smart, so something like that is easy to look past. Not a loving rodent. He’s on a completely different level of nonsense. An intelligent, robot-piloting hamster seems something more fitting for a children’s cartoon. It’s not just another “fun whacky thing”, it’s way out of line with anything else we see and detracts from the setting. A tiny rodent hero, esp if he talks in a high pitched mechanical robot voice, just feels like its from a different game like Rachet and Clank or Jak and Daxter, not Overwatch. If its real, then its the biggest tonal shift Overwatch will ever go through. Next we will have talking pelicans flying around and sentient balloons on Blizzardworld with googly eyes.
This sounds like a copypasta