


Author Topic: Overwatch Megathread  (Read 844462 times)

New mission for the Archives event: Overwatch Retribution

"Travel eight years into the past and join Blackwatch as they seek to capture a high-ranking member of the Talon organization. Fight in the streets of Venice as Genji, Moira, McCree, or Reyes (later known as Reaper) to complete the mission and unlock pieces of the past with over 100 items from last year and 60 new ones—including highlight intros, emotes, sprays, and more. "

-Retribution is set in Venice and will feature a new map. This Venice map is named Rialto and will become a permanent payload map and will be available on the PTR for testing.
-Confirmed skins include: Blackwatch Moira, Soldier: 24 Reaper, and a Genji or Hanzo skin
hell yes this seems like it'll be more fun than uprising
jeff also said something about it being more replayable in all heroes mode, like it'll change up a bit so i guess that means it won't just be the same pattern of enemies all the time in that mode

o lol

moira is too easy to play. no skill or thinking, just spam healing orbs

I've climbed with her far faster and more consistently than any other healer I've played (ana main btw)

needs a nerf

also forget junkrat

I’d play a lot more if Reinhardt was viable, not enjoying being forced to play Winston and dva 24/7

moira is too easy to play. no skill or thinking, just spam healing orbs

I've climbed with her far faster and more consistently than any other healer I've played (ana main btw)

needs a nerf

also forget junkrat

moira is a more versatile mercy imo, maybe mercy is more consistent though

hate moira

o ya btw the archives event is out it's pretty neato

mandatory biweekly reminder that junkrat is a degenerate hero for degenerate people

why hasn't d.va been removed yet.

why hasnt overwatch ben removed (from exsistence)

why hasnt overwatch ben removed (from exsistence)



1. tracer (keep calm and tracer on XD  :nes:)

2. meme compellations

3. ITS HIGH NOON (420 joke, weedheads w ill get it)

4. widowmacker sfm sfw version

5. widowmacker sfm nsfw version

lol kid like come back when you come up with a real comet

lol kid like come back when you come up with a real comet
"kid"? i hav kids , bitch. come bakc to me when youare not of the special interest bitch
« Last Edit: April 19, 2018, 07:20:47 PM by two and a half limericks »

"kid"? i hav kids , bitch. come bakc to me when youare not of the special interest bitch

yea right loser no one would have kids with you freakin idiot dont call me a bich when you dont even know how to spell..... kid....

I'll start playing this game when their only updates aren't limited time stuff. Gross 10 billion dollars in one year yet they release permanent content slower than F2P games with way less players, like Heroes of The Storm. Let's also not forget that when stuff is unbalanced/too weak they take months and months and months to fix it. Most incompetent developing team I've ever seen raking in this much cash.