


Author Topic: Overwatch Megathread  (Read 788078 times)

A little robot told me that Mei, Mercy, and Zenyatta are being altered in the future.


Maybe this patch will also give Roadhog's hook a bit of a Hanzo treatment, as well?

A little robot told me that Mei, Mercy, and Zenyatta are being altered in the future.

I was afraid of this

they buffed zenyatta too hard, and now I got a taste of what it feels like for my favorite hero to be superior before they take it away again

I dislike that the current mm system only really works well for DPS players as tanks and supports can only do so much as they rely on their damage dealers to kill, meanwhile if you can play Reaper/Genji/McCree well it's a game changer and you can solo carry until like 65+

This is definitely not true in some cases.
For one, supports are basically the back bones for teams since they can heal and provide an insane buff that can initiate a push past a choke point via ult (lucio, zenyatta, ana). 1 pro DPS on a team is VERY VERY unlikely to carry because it would be a 1v6 situation. 1 mccree cannot take on a team of 2 tanks, healers, dps despite how skilled they are. A genji ult for example screw his ult wouldnt be able to 1v6 without his teammates due to the fact that a mccree could just flashbang and the entire enemy team would be gunning you down ontop of a potential discord orb from zenyatta

not to mention tanks can still do a lot of damage and initiate a team rush u know
« Last Edit: August 12, 2016, 06:14:20 PM by Xillogean »

This is definitely not true in some cases.
For one, supports are basically the back bones for teams since they can heal and provide an insane buff that can initiate a push past a choke point via ult (lucio, zenyatta, ana). 1 pro DPS on a team is VERY VERY unlikely to carry because it would be a 1v6 situation. 1 mccree cannot take on a team of 2 tanks, healers, dps despite how skilled they are. A genji ult for example screw his ult wouldnt be able to 1v6 without his teammates due to the fact that a mccree could just flashbang and the entire enemy team would be gunning you down ontop of a potential discord orb from zenyatta

not to mention tanks can still do a lot of damage and initiate a team rush u know

You're taking what I said far too literally. If you have a very good dps player and the other team doesn't, but the rest of your team is even or even slightly worse than the other's tanks/supports. It's a huge difference at a higher rank. I'm currently rank 72, this is literally all I see. If the other team's dps is better than our own, unless their team in general is straight up worse, we can lose pretty easily. I've literally not been like "WOW, this Roadhog is really carrying!" more than it being the fault of my own team being unable to deal with the Roadhog. Likewise, on the side of a DPS there have been numerous times where the DPS literally straight outplayed my team and killed them. There are basically no heroes capable of being rewarded like that without ult that aren't a DPS due to their high damage output and in general higher mobility. Thus is why I said they have the ability to heavily sway the game.

ok so I'm confident I can turn the settings up higher and still have it run well, but the texture settings won't change at all for some reason even if I go from low to high literally nothing changes

edit: I tested this on lucio's bicycle kick and hanzo's aim is true highlight intros and it actually does change very slightly
what is it supposed to look bad in some places then like for example tracer's left arm holster thing on the main screen

edit2: ok I reset the settings for nvidia and ey it worked, apparently the texture filtering was stuck on 1 for some reason but I'm not sure what nvidia setting made it stuck there
« Last Edit: August 13, 2016, 03:03:57 PM by gr8dayseth »

I have an addiction to pretending to be soldier 76 while playing bastion

also I played a 20 minute match and it sucked loving ass and do you know what I got for my trouble
do you know what I got for those 20 minutes of getting my ass kicked and barely defending to any degree

forget this im sticking to quickplay
« Last Edit: August 13, 2016, 02:53:17 PM by Clownfish »

If you have a very good dps player and the other team doesn't, but the rest of your team is even or even slightly worse than the other's tanks/supports. It's a huge difference at a higher rank. I'm currently rank 72, this is literally all I see. If the other team's dps is better than our own, unless their team in general is straight up worse, we can lose pretty easily. I've literally not been like "WOW, this Roadhog is really carrying!" more than it being the fault of my own team being unable to deal with the Roadhog. Likewise, on the side of a DPS there have been numerous times where the DPS literally straight outplayed my team and killed them. There are basically no heroes capable of being rewarded like that without ult that aren't a DPS due to their high damage output and in general higher mobility. Thus is why I said they have the ability to heavily sway the game.
i dont play comp (but the people i get matched with in quickplay are around rank 59 - 73), but this applies so heavily to my quickplay sessions that I cannot even express how much i relate to this sentiment

so a good chance I'll never get the good UK tracer skin
wish they would put it for sale for credits near the end of the event

finally got 220 wins on comp, that with the 80 bonus points for being rank 55 means i get a gold weapon when comp ends yay

also opened all 20 loot boxes in one go from level 200 to 220

My problem with people complaining about this is that it was NEVER true in the first place. The origins skins could never be bought with credits, the noire was the same AND exclusive, and finally player icons have always also been non purchasable. Not only this but if it was never brought up in Reddit nobody would have noticed nor cared as much

My problem with people complaining about this is that it was NEVER true in the first place. The origins skins could never be bought with credits, the noire was the same AND exclusive, and finally player icons have always also been non purchasable. Not only this but if it was never brought up in Reddit nobody would have noticed nor cared as much
the people aren't complaining how that was never true in the first place, they're complaining how the summer events is just a blatant cash grab

the people aren't complaining how that was never true in the first place, they're complaining how the summer events is just a blatant cash grab
I'm specifically talking about people complaining about the description change, though I have no problem with how the event was carried out either.

I don't mind the cosmetics, or the fact they can't be bought with credits. I mind that even if I pay real money, I have to rely on pure luck.
It's stupid.

I don't mind the cosmetics, or the fact they can't be bought with credits. I mind that even if I pay real money, I have to rely on pure luck.
It's stupid.
If anything, it would have worked out much better if they removed duplicates for the summer games items