


Author Topic: Overwatch Megathread  (Read 787607 times)

d o y o u e v e r g e t t h a t f e e l i n g o f d e j a v u ?

symmetras range really pisses me off

d o y o u e v e r g e t t h a t f e e l i n g o f d e j a v u ?
after the comic its more like gay ja vu

the Christmas spirit is alive and well in OW

symmetras range really pisses me off

we're probably going to get a nerf soon, at least i'd predict so - not because she needs one but because people are already protesting for one

i think we're just getting used to the fact that she's legitimately usable now

Hey guys I dunno how battle.net works at all but uh add me I guess since I'll probably be getting overwatch soon

wait so how does gaining SR work? is it by how long the match takes to win?

idk i think it has to do with match length, how good you do, how high your sr is, how well you do compared to your teammates and enemies, etc.

I need more friends.


same thing happened to me, got 2 legendary and an emote in a box today

I got santa mei like four days ago. I guess I have an excuse to play the snowball gamemode now.

and this is why i claim widow is better on the attacking side of Hanamura

vod: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mN-e-xj_0Yg

edit: i need to stop my kneejerk taunting after 2 or 3 kills, ill miss out on other potential kills :I
« Last Edit: December 24, 2016, 04:53:44 PM by Donnies Catch »

who actually taunts after killing people lol