


Author Topic: Overwatch Megathread  (Read 787499 times)

i originally wasnt satisfied with what I got but now that i see that i have quite a lot unlocked im quite happy

First event I didn't get all the legendary skins, rip

First event I didn't get all the legendary skins, rip

same rip

woah there's a 6v6 lockout elimination mode now
that sounds awesome

now all we need is a 6v6 mcree only elimination like in red dead redemption hah

so by complete chance I met gr8dayseth in 6v6

yea see!!

man i've been recognized from here a good amount of times haha i love it every time

man i've been recognized from here a good amount of times haha i love it every time
You just have a very memorable name and avatar.

Also you're pretty nice to everyone which works well in your favor.

You just have a very memorable name and avatar.

Also you're pretty nice to everyone which works well in your favor.

Don't forget his good looks and charming personality. ;)

ive ran into myst and dwaif like twice now

i play on european servers since im a brit so ill never see most of you accidentally

You're finding each other constantly; I can't wait until someone joins this forum and posts "Hey I've been looking to join this blf thing and here I am".

just got trash talked by half my team for being a "bad" mercy while filling in quick play cus i didn't res when i was clearly dead cus i died first in every fight we lost cus the enemy knew how to focus so i couldn't res (and it wasn't even a thing where i could've res'd 1 or 2 no i had literally no chance to)(i still got potg tho the timing was so good) and then got tired of filling so i went hanzo next game and got called out by name for picking a third dps in quick play

people need to chill tf out

You just have a very memorable name and avatar.

Also you're pretty nice to everyone which works well in your favor.
Don't forget his good looks and charming personality. ;)
« Last Edit: June 20, 2017, 04:18:36 AM by gr8dayseth »

just got trash talked by half my team for being a "bad" mercy while filling in quick play cus i didn't res when i was clearly dead cus i died first in every fight we lost cus the enemy knew how to focus so i couldn't res (and it wasn't even a thing where i could've res'd 1 or 2 no i had literally no chance to)(i still got potg tho the timing was so good) and then got tired of filling so i went hanzo next game and got called out by name for picking a third dps in quick play

people need to chill tf out

Don't you know you must res while dead, you dum-dum? Did you not learn the basic controls? Get out of here noob.

man i've been recognized from here a good amount of times haha i love it every time