Author Topic: Twitter makes a Trust and Safety Council. Hires Anita Sarkeesian as a member.  (Read 3686 times)

you forget though that the rounder something becomes the more fat-sided the mass:SA ratio becomes
Assuming the object in question maintains said roundness, which would require it to be pretty solid.

a 500lbs guy probably isn't gonna fall significantly faster than a 160lbs guy
whatever speed he may gain from mass he would probably lose from surface area
also terminal velocity

She's even asked the UN to ban her critics in one of the most laughably stupid attempts at censorship I've seen in a while:
wow what a double whammy

anita and the five guys gangbang chick

That's like saying if you fire a bullet down it goes faster than being fired up, ehh whatever...

Anyways stocks are still falling, this is big so I can't wait for this to become wider known news.

That's like saying if you fire a bullet down it goes faster than being fired up, ehh whatever...
Well, the firing itself isn't any faster. But the bullet will be accelerating faster. Also a terrible brown townogy.

you don't gain any speed for being more massive
you do in an atmosphere
you forget though that the rounder something becomes the more fat-sided the mass:SA ratio becomes
given how prone human body fat is to being jiggly, I don't think the "roundness" will help anything

a 500lbs guy probably isn't gonna fall significantly faster than a 160lbs guy
whatever speed he may gain from mass he would probably lose from surface area
Holly stuff I was just about to post this, their stocks are falling faster than a 500lb man skydiving.
Heavier things don't fall faster. It's physics.

You know, being on said council doesn't just give her free reign. She still has to follow their standards. It's not like she'd been given admin on some CityRPG server.
Yeah she's just being consulted essentially

Let me stop you there. Her "political beliefs" are literally human rights violations, that's how bad they are. They're so bad they're beyond the ability to respect them. I don't care how much she's been harassed, she's not fit to be on ANY council.

And no, she has not got "legitimate" death threats. She's got a bunch of internet trolls with absolutely no credibility to back them up. She's not "qualified" in the first place.
Her beliefs are humans rights violations??? What do you mean? What beliefs specifically?

Death threats are death threats. Like it or not there is clearly huge backlash against her on the internet, and a lot of that goes past legitimate criticism or debate and into harassment.

Feminists use a specific definition for "loveism". One that represents institutionalized, structural loveism, not just prejudice. So she's saying men don't face structural loveism, which is for the most part true. I don't think any society on the planet is woman dominated.

That doesn't mean she tolerates prejudice against men. It's a semantic difference.

hmm, wonder why.......

well this council shouldn't exist
Nobody deserves death threats, even if you think their beliefs are bad.

Clearly twitter wants to make their website safer. Why shouldn't it exist?

being faced with harassment doesn't always mean you are able to deal with harassment

this person is known to be extremely irrational and stubborn especially when it comes to political stuff. when you have somebody like this who can and probably would disallow free speech, her being harassed for doing just that doesn't make her qualified for the job. especially since there shouldn't even be a job, this individual is a bad pick.
Can you cite some specific places where she is irrational/stubborn? Keep in mind that just because she has beliefs that you don't agree with, she can still be rational.

Twitter doesn't need to have free speech. It's a private website. In fact, by letting trolls and sperglords harass people freely, you create an environment where people are afraid to speak their mind, and thereby a less open platform for discussion.

As for her being capable for this job, I'm no expert on her work. But she's a very active internet personality for feminism, and that first hand experience with harassment allows her to make more informed decisions about the policy Twitter might come with.

First of all, this isn't a big deal yet. What they've essentially done is create a mailing list of lots of different people who they want to give them feedback on how to make Twitter a 'safe space'. Anita's voice is one out of many, and she doesn't have any significant sway.

What you can do is not make a huge stuff-storm about Anita being on the council. Write/contact Twitter and talk about your concerns over whether creating a 'safe space' will involve censorship and other policies intended to hurt the freedom of information on Twitter. Do not mention Anita specifically, do not mention feminism specifically. Acting like a bunch of angry misogynists only bolsters the popularity of people like Anita whose entire platform rests on self-imposed victim-hood.

Heavier things don't fall faster. It's physics.
if a feather weighed 100lbs I guarantee you it would fall faster. it's physics

no it wont fall faster, it would fall at the same rate
« Last Edit: February 09, 2016, 07:50:17 PM by SubDaWoofer »

if a feather weighed 100lbs I guarantee you it would fall faster. it's physics
Feathers are so light that air resistance is significant.

Whereas a man can't really weigh so little that air resistance changes his fall speed significantly. At least, not with him weighing enough to be alive.

Cheesus Crust, I never wanted to derail this thread at all, how did this become a debate of if a 500lb man falls faster than normal man.

Can we not just make this another thread and leave this one alone? Because this thread is becoming more of a scientifically debate at this point.

A 500lb man probably wouldn't fall faster than a normal man because a 500lb man has a much larger area and a body that's far less rigid (two factors that combined increase air resistance).

is this some kind of joke? you have a weird sense of humor
Feathers are so light that air resistance is significant.
Whereas a man can't really weigh so little that air resistance changes his fall speed significantly. At least, not with him weighing enough to be alive.
right, it's not a big difference. and any difference that there is would be negated by the increased surface area. that's what I said