Author Topic: What do you think would be the most likely downfall of the USA?  (Read 3349 times)

Annoying Orange
If americans are stupid enough to elect him

Annoying Orange
If Americans are stupid enough not to elect him

large-scale disease or our own stupidity
or both

when the yellowstone supervolcano erupts
though that might be a good while away

If someone goes back in time, and gives the axis powers a fully-made nuclear bomb.

Same thing that destroyed the roman empire. Internal corruption, economic collapse and moral depravity. All 3 of which are growing problems right now.

  • Our debt is spiraling out of control with virtually no chance of paying it back
  • We have growing governmental corruption with the power of washington expanding every day (Broadsweeping unsolicited spying by the NSA/FBI, The wall street bankers not facing prison time for their massive fraud and theft from the american people in the 2008 housing crCIA but simple fines just because they paid fat cash to corrupt politicians)
  • Our political system is a failure and pretty much every election is rigged (elections are not decided by a majority vote but instead through electoral colleges, whoever has the most money, and gerrymandering)
  • Massive billion-dollar corporations are trampling on the law and our human rights daily through corrupt secret meetings with politicians and corporate lobbyism and ever-expanding and worsening monopolies (ex. cable companies jacking prices up and throttling internet service, car dealerships artificially raising car prices, the TPP, and of course Nestlé's recent statement that they think humans don't have a right to access drinking water)
« Last Edit: February 13, 2016, 11:30:36 AM by Planr »

Right good crack at it, mate.

if anything we'd be sided with America, after the whole independence from Britain thing

swear to loving god is hillary becomes president I am moving to canada

and irag will put us into ww3 by bombing israel with all the nuclear bombs obama gave them

Any of the current presidential candidates.

America's culture of tolerance and multiculturalism being replaced by an intolerant, oppressive culture imported into our country in the name of multiculturalism.

The US is too powerful to give in to military attacks. Internal conflict already is and will continue to be the downfall of the United States. We live in an era of greed, extremism, blind faith and apathy. Greed continues to corrupt the foundations of our system from the inside out; corporations caring about nothing more than appeasing their shareholders that they don't think about the future, about what happens after they're gone. Extremism ranging from religious extremism to extremist feminism to political extremism, where people feel the NEED to force their beliefs onto others without question, without debate and being stubborn literally to the death. Blind faith is running more and more rampant among the citizens, ranging from conspiracy theorists to anti-vaxxers and general anti-science bullstuff, to people in general not valuing evidence over faith, valuing emotion over facts to the point where they will outright deny the obvious because it makes them feel bad. Then on top of that you have the majority, the apathists, the ones who know there's probably something screwy going on but they just don't bother doing anything about it because they don't care enough. Only a small few actually care enough about the issues to do something about it, and they're by far the minority. They've managed to keep things together so far but if things keep going the way they're going now, more and more are going to go towards apathy or the other categories and it's driving the nation further apart than it already is. It's eventually going to reach a boiling point, and it's not going to be a fun time. (did you really read all of that? nice. good. don't be an apathist, please.)

We'll implode like Rome did. They only difference being the gauls nipping at us are the stuff we're doing in the middle east as usual.

Same thing that destroyed the roman empire. Internal corruption, economic collapse and moral depravity. All 3 of which are growing problems right now.
I can't wait for the goths to invade America.