
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2231719 times)

he's DEFINITELY not trying to destroy Venezuelan socialism while the country is at its weakest.

really makes you think

You made it clear that you weren't going to listen to anything I had to say. Why should I show you respect and get none in return?
I'm not the one you want to convince here. Chances of me ever becoming communist are holding steady at 0% whether or not you improve your debating skills. No, I'm telling you, what you're doing will not and can not convince anybody who already has different political opinions than you, because of things like:

-Putting insults in your posts (You're obviously not the only one to be doing this, but it's nonetheless a problem):
Consider the following:

Are you roleplaying post-alzheimers Reagan?
forget off with your non-committal "extremist" finger pointing, you coward.

-Posting pure rhetoric that doesn't actually serve any purpose in a debate
Liberalism in america is a group mostly comprised of centrists/centrist conservatives and people who otherwise like to complain without committing to any actual policy changes
Liberals rarely care about actual politics
God forbid you break your centrist bubble and step outside the status quo for a moment.
paying people equally leading to economic failures is one of the major reasons for capitalism being unsustainable.

And many many other mistakes. Let me put it this way: If your goal is to actually convince anyone, and not just have a bunch of posts that are liberal communist (excuse me) circlejerk material, then you're doing it wrong.

Here's some major things that you absolutely need to follow (That for the most part I've noticed you don't follow) if you want to actually convince people:

- Thoroughly back up everything you say with evidence.
Saying nothing but "Ugh, this is why capitalism will never work." doesn't convince anyone that doesn't already agree with you because a. You haven't provided any evidence that capitalism will never work, b. you haven't provided any evidence that the thing you're referencing is (one of) the reason(s) that capitalism will never work, and c. even if you did provide evidence, you probably did it in the form of a single news article that itself makes very bold claims without actually backing it up. ALL claims require evidence, even if that's in the form of objective, commonly known facts. (Earth is round, 2+2=4, grass is green, etc)

- Be respectful to everyone in the debate.
Be the bigger man. Not only does it make you look better when the other person is hurling around insults, but it helps keep the discussion on-topic. Insults will almost exclusively make any discussion devolve into circlejerking nonsense.

- If you're going to make extreme claims, you need extreme evidence.
Pretty much what it says on the tin. If you're going to make an extreme claim (1+2=4) then you need extreme evidence. This rule is slightly less intuitive if you're not very familiar with it, but generally the more severe the implications of something you're trying to prove, the more extreme your level of evidence needs to be.

- Thoroughly check your logic for fallacies and biases.
Basically, don't make invalid arguments. Place like https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/ and http://utminers.utep.edu/omwilliamson/engl1311/fallacies.htm are great for checking if you've committed a logical fallacy.

- Consider alternative viewpoints.
If you want to convince someone else of something, you need to convince yourself first. But you can't just say "oh yeah, this seems like it makes sense, so forget everything that says otherwise." You need to weigh evidence from both sides of the coin, no matter which side you're on, so that you can make a sane conclusion.

- Be introspective.
This ties in closely with the previous point. Not only do you need to be able to weigh evidence to try to make an informed conclusion, but you need to be able to be introspective, to admit when you've gotten something wrong, to be able to apologize, take responsibility, recognize your faults and biases as a human being, etc etc etc. Nobody is without mistakes and we all need to recognize that.

This is not arguing any point other than you need to improve your discussion/debate skills.

I'm not the one you want to convince here. Chances of me ever becoming communist are holding steady at 0% whether or not you improve your debating skills. No, I'm telling you, what you're doing will not and can not convince anybody who already has different political opinions than you, because of things like:
Not to speak for Kimon, but I don't think the sole purpose of a debate is to sway the person you're arguing with. You can debate for the sake of staying sharp and making sure your beliefs are justified with rhetoric, for one. IIRC he's not trying to change minds really

Not to speak for Kimon, but I don't think the sole purpose of a debate is to sway the person you're arguing with. You can debate for the sake of staying sharp and making sure your beliefs are justified with rhetoric, for one. IIRC he's not trying to change minds really
Totally understand, I should have mentioned that the reason I posted that is because I've specifically noticed him making a lot of posts with clear intention of trying to convince, not just reinforce his own held beliefs. They were falling quite flat.

it's pretty hard to convince somebody of an ideology that killed tens of millions of people

it's pretty hard to convince somebody of an ideology that killed tens of millions of people
devil's advocate: something something poor people

devil's advocate: something something poor people

exactly. we should make everyone poor

then there's no bourgeoisie to oppress us

I think you might have something there

we should write a book

we should write a book
yeah it should be a sci-fi novel about this robot guy that punches things really hard and he likes eating pizza

Yeah he's totally in it to save Venezuela from a dictatorship and he's DEFINITELY not trying to destroy Venezuelan socialism while the country is at its weakest.

but seriously standing against the overthrowing of a dictator because you're afraid the ideology that was responsible for the dictator's rise would get wiped out might just make you the first person in the world to have negative credibility
« Last Edit: August 12, 2017, 05:03:34 AM by Tactical Nuke »

Annoying Orange's just talking stuff; there's literally no reason to intervene in Venezuela, eventually the people will assassinate that carrot and then we can help them set up some proper economy with some trade or something.

my name is covfefe...

pepe covfefe