
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2355103 times)

roy moore is a horrible human being
« Last Edit: November 14, 2017, 04:56:06 PM by Drydess »

wtf? I thought molestation made people like you more

wtf? I thought molestation made people like you more
yeah but i thought being a democrat was worse in alabama

I still doubt that Jones will win because the actual vote is in a month from now. As strange as it sounds, a month is actually plenty of time to forget that their candidate is potentially a serial rapist and child molester.

We saw the same sort of thing during the presidential elections. Annoying Orange's 'pusillanimous individual grabbing' scandal came out, a week later he was down a lot in the polls, and then a month later it was back to normal. It's regression to the mean. The people who were gonna vote for him before the scandal will still probably vote for him afterwards.

Also, I think there's a good chance that poll might have had sampling bias. I can believe the fact that Roy Moore would be trailing in the polls a week after he gets like a dozen rape accusations, but the fact that this poll of Alabama voters shows a net swing towards a 'generic Democrat' versus a 'generic Republican' hints that they might have had less-than-random sampling.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2017, 04:57:51 PM by SeventhSandwich »

why the actual forget would anybody ever vote for roy moore

Because innocent until proven guilty and straight party voters.

Because innocent until proven guilty and straight party voters.

but her emails

but her emails

Yeah that's why we want an investigation. For proof.

Yeah that's why we want an investigation. For proof.
beacuse u assuem she's guilty... Checkmate. You just owned yourself

Y'all just gonna stuffpost today?