
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2231925 times)

Yeah just like all those hate crime hoaxes. Listen and believe in full force with dems lately.

That's why I've decided to remove myself from that convo in general
If someone gets accused I don't give a stuff anymore
If they're convicted, fine, if they admit it, fine
If not, forget off

because common sense dictates "hey, a bunch of women who piggybacked off of other loveual assault scandals and keep changing their stories to sound more dramatic definitely must be telling the truth"
did you catch the part where he admitted to drugging women with Quaaludes?

or the part where dozens more women, with nothing to gain due to statute of limitations, came out of the woodwork and described the exact same kinds of assaults?

you talking about cosby or the judge

All those women had sleep insomnia. Our boy bill was just being a good friend and helping them get some rest.

Whats with all the loveual assault cases happening at the same time lately. Is it really that time of the month where Hollywood starts shedding again?

since the harvey weinstein thing broke, there's been an air of acceptance around loveual assault confessions in hollywood
for everyone else, well, we knew it was forgeted in hollywood, but not that forgeted.

hollywood's been like that for the better part of 60 years

did you catch the part where he admitted to drugging women with Quaaludes?

or the part where dozens more women, with nothing to gain due to statute of limitations, came out of the woodwork and described the exact same kinds of assaults?

Did you even read the deposition? Or did you rely on "it's illegal to read WikiLeaks so take everything from us" CNN for that info? Maybe you'd gain something from listening to Cosby's attorney

Nothing to gain? Do you even know what you're talking about? Settlement money, payouts for interviews by the media, some of these women are securing book deals and printing T-shirts saying that "lookit me lookit me I'm a survivor" and selling them, and it goes on and on. The reason people like this are coming out now instead of during the statute of limitations is that their cases are provably false or incredibly dubious at best, and they KNOW it, so they rely on the media, who's always hungry for a clickbaity story, to push their narrative for them. It's like "To Kill a Mockingbird" except it's not even being settled in a court of law like it should be.

innocent or not cosby rape jokes are hilarious

Yo I just got off the phone with all 12 of SeventhSandwhiches ex girlfriends and they all told me that he's a rapist. The forget?

Yo I just got off the phone with all 12 of SeventhSandwhiches ex girlfriends and they all told me that he's a rapist. The forget?
you wish I had that many relationships in my lifetime

if you don't wanna be called a serial rapist I guess become a beta male right seventh

if you don't wanna be called a serial rapist I guess become a beta male right seventh

They also have a pretty bad track record with rape