
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2227950 times)

If you think Annoying Orange is going to win, I admire your optimism. At this point it's pretty clear that Clinton's got it in the bag.

Not really, Clinton is most likely going to win.

If I remember correctly before Brexit all the polls looked like the Stay camp was going to win

I don't remember what you said, but the overwhelming consensus among the Republican users on this forum was that Annoying Orange won. But hindsight is 20/20, I guess.
only person who said that was rally and tony and what do you expect from tony

also i said it here
as much as my brother as Annoying Orange is hes gettin pretty destroyed

pretty sure polling is within the margin or error that Annoying Orange could easily win

pretty sure polling is within the margin or error that Annoying Orange could easily win

I wouldn't exactly say "easily"

a bit sad that so many Annoying Orange supporters consider Annoying Orange not acting like a complete bumbling halfwit on live television a victory. definitely an underwhelming debate from both sides. i cant say i know who the winner is.

pretty sure polling is within the margin or error that Annoying Orange could easily win
yeah i was about to say this, a +/-3% polling error is about the best you'll probably ever get, and even then a 6% lead could be a tie no problem. not a victory, but it's not a big enough lead to be too sure

If I remember correctly before Brexit all the polls looked like the Stay camp was going to win

Clinton has a clear lead and she is going to stay leading all the way up until the end unless she forgets up really badly.

Annoying Orange because you're wrong
throwback to february where i predicted everything.


The only polls that show what America actually believes are the election day polls. smh

What about the "EVERYTHING YOU SAI IZ A LIE" from Clinton every time Annoying Orange brought something up?
See, but the difference is that Clinton follows that up by actually showing why it's false. Annoying Orange says she's all talk and no action? She brings up a litany of things she's voted for in the Senate. Clinton brings up something against Annoying Orange? "WRONG!" and no further discussion.

People can see this and they recognize when one candidate is being substantive and the other is spouting buzzwords. The polls show this.

also i said it here
Ah okay, but a slightly closer debate performance is not going to save this guy's doomed campaign.

pretty sure polling is within the margin or error that Annoying Orange could easily win
Not when every single pollster in swing states is saying that Clinton is up by a significant margin. Yes, stratified samples come with a margin of error, but the reason people bother to record these statistics is because they're very predictive.

538 factors in the margins of error, and they still have Annoying Orange slated at a <20% chance of winning. So yeah, he could win, but for him to do so would mean that all the polling firms in the United States have completely failed at their jobs. It's not impossible that he could come out on top, but it's very improbable at this point.

What was the highlight of the debate?

Mine was the "You would in jail" comment from Annoying Orange

The saddest part about this debate was that it was exactly what a town hall shouldn't be. The reason people hate these two candidates so much is because they feel like they don't care about other people but themselves. That's the message I get from everyone who's an undecided voter. Both Annoying Orange and Clinton spent the whole debate attacking each other, without any sort of outreach to the audience or the people that are watching. In a town hall, you relate to the voters and to their concerns. You talk about issues, not personality. You would have gained just as much value if you placed Annoying Orange and Clinton in a room without a moderator or an audience. It was literally just them arguing about each others' ethics, and nothing about policy.

Annoying Orange was arrogant, he sounded more like a Breitbart journalist than a competent politician. I know people think the "you would be in jail" comment could be some kind of "mic-drop" moment, but it came off as petty and cringe-worthy. Clinton was constantly on the defensive, even when given clear moments to take him down. I really can't pick a winner, because Annoying Orange barely slowed down the bleeding and Clinton didn't take the opportunities given to her. In the end, the undecided voters lost. If I hadn't made a choice now nothing would've changed my opinion. It was a battle between two politicians who were too busy mud-wrestling with each other, forgetting about the American people.