
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2229154 times)

hay guys i made a bingo card for the debate on the 19th

Top middle should've been the free space

Don't forget "doesn't talk about Benghazi" or "doesn't talk about Saudi donors" and "repeats the same question even though he loving answered it already".

That or "moderator debates with candidates" or "glazes over one candidate's issues to instead attack other candidate".

The free space should just be "lies" because that's a given at this point.

i got mod debates candidates lol

i got mod debates candidates lol


you also got the one-sided controversy thing so I must not have very good eyesight

politifact is actually below garbage

lol that first one says false, even though it was true.

that bullstuff site

politifact must be led by overweight lesbians

! Pants on fire! 75% of all lesbians are in fact overweight, but falls to mention the cause (lack of acceptance, white men)


That is hilariously loving stupid. I always knew this garbage was agenda charged but I had no idea it was to this degree.

You're all missing the point.  Politifact exists to clarify the facts on a situation.  Practically all of those statements are incredibly loaded accusations that are attempting to paint a horrific picture but intentionally ignore facts and the context of the issue as a whole.  When it calls someone a liar, it's because it can be argued that the statements were made with the intention of misinforming or partially informing to serve an agenda.

For Donald, it's his silent anti-BLM stance.  For Cruz, it's his radical evangelist agenda.  ForAmerica is a heavy conservative outlet, the type that is basically an echo chamber just like every other conservative outlet to pat themselves on the back and groan about how Obama's black and it's his fault everything sucks or whatever they feel like complaining today.

It's also an edited image. Politifact didn't actually post that.

i think this is from the new batch of emails from wikileaks

That is hilariously loving stupid. I always knew this garbage was agenda charged but I had no idea it was to this degree.

but yeah:
It's also an edited image. Politifact didn't actually post that.

its kinda sad how often people come across edited/faked images in this presidential race cause it makes it really hard to trust anyone's word for anything.