
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2230868 times)

i prefer the gay way  :iceCream:

Did you hear about those thousands of young muslims on the streets chanting Macron's name and then praising Allah? After that, they all clapped and then gave Macron $100. Truly a sight that was never actually seen...

probably the worst thing about the way the election turned out is that now the whole John Oliver and Samantha Bee crowd is going to especially loving smug

I really wanted to see another Annoying Orange-esque freak-out :c

probably the worst thing about the way the election turned out is that now the whole John Oliver and Samantha Bee crowd is going to especially loving smug

I really wanted to see another Annoying Orange-esque freak-out :c
I want La Pen to win just because McZealot said he would kill himself

In reality, Le Pen had such a large margin of the election to catch up on before she stood a chance, it's not like it was a close election. Not to say she couldn't have won, but it was unlikely very early on and people were right to predict the Macron victory. Marine Le Pen's biggest issue when securing votes was that she had a hard time appealing to demographics that weren't already on board with the National Party.

Im going to paris this wednesday, how forgeted am I?

update - in paris right now, i see muslims cheering about lowering prices of halal meat, i saw a french anarchist shoot a guy to death, smoking weed w/ a police officer, theres also an r/the_donald float that had milo on it but it caught on fire, i dont think milo made it out alive, any other french forumers seeing this?

Oh no now France will continue to be invaded by some bogeyman invented by the right to get more votes
Are you okay, have they let you outside?
When was the last time you saw sunlight?

Are you okay, have they let you outside?
When was the last time you saw sunlight?

le epic pwned, matthew. you sure showed him by... not showing him...

Le progressive left votes more white cis men into positions of power

update - in paris right now, i see muslims cheering about lowering prices of halal meat, i saw a french anarchist shoot a guy to death, smoking weed w/ a police officer, theres also an r/the_donald float that had milo on it but it caught on fire, i dont think milo made it out alive, any other french forumers seeing this?

Poor milo, those french fries got to him.

le epic pwned, matthew. you sure showed him by... not showing him...
Its alright, the trucks of peace, riots of peace, and cultural intolerance of peace will peacefully tear down france and peacefully create Cuckistan under the peaceful sharia law of peace.

Its alright, the trucks of peace, riots of peace, and cultural intolerance of peace will peacefully tear down france and peacefully create Cuckistan under the peaceful sharia law of peace.

Did you also upvote that one post on the_donald where it displays the muslims travelling back to november 28th 2015 new york city to celebrate the french elections?

Oh no now France will continue to be invaded by some bogeyman invented by the right to get more votes

I'm starting to think you're an AI invented by the left to get more votes

some bugs in the system tho

Personally I was kinda rooting for Le Pen, but Congrats to Macron.
Hope he does well!