
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2446821 times)

Jon "And then they'll integrate into the gene pool" Tron

Omni "What's wrong with communism" Destiny
Omni "Construction work is terrible and anyone who likes it is nuts" Destiny
Omni "Artists have it too good and are scared of illegal immigrants because they'll take their jobs" Destiny

he also believes that anyone he pisses off is at fault because they made the 'choice' to be pissed off

Weeeell I mean you can't call him an internet autist and then get upset at him for being an internet autist so

Omni "What's wrong with communism" Destiny
Omni "Construction work is terrible and anyone who likes it is nuts" Destiny
Omni "Artists have it too good and are scared of illegal immigrants because they'll take their jobs" Destiny
What are you trying to say here?

he also believes that anyone he pisses off is at fault because they made the 'choice' to be pissed off
There's this interesting stereotype of 'snowflake' liberal politics where people perceive liberals as these fragile children who are constantly on the brink of an emotional breakdown. But most of my posts are made while eating a meal, which is probably the chillest time of day for me. I rarely get emotionally invested in any of the conversations I have on the forums, and I don't necessarily take it personally when people disagree with me.

Compare that to when JonTron was getting heat for saying some blatantly tribal stuff, and then Matthew started dropping some VoDKa-style manifesti in the thread.
Every person, who stands up to these people, who stands up to these injustices get knocked down, get torn down.

Riddler Youth, a child group who would impose Riddler's mentalities through shaming, and through reporting improper thoughts to the proper authorities, so that those in question could have their lively hoods erased and their reputation soiled and reward the Youth in his correct thinking process.

Enjoy these brownie points while they last, because when the table has turned the other way, you won't be the one being rewarded.

As much as I wished that the clock would not strike 12, as much as I lamented it when it struck six, the hand goes round the clock, and no man, no woman, no dog, no cat, no being in existence can stop a force such as that.

On the other hand, to give a stuff about something is to be human. If you consider yourself to be an emotionally-disconnected, aloof philosopher and everyone else to be angry babies, you've got some serious delusions about how people work. This applies to everyone in the political spectrum. People are emotionally-charged about issues at pretty much the same rate, no matter where you look.

god did he actually write that

If you consider yourself to be an emotionally-disconnected, aloof philosopher and everyone else to be angry babies, you've got some serious delusions about how people work.
He's so smart he transcended the need to brown townyze human emotion. The only time emotion ever registers in his frontal lobe is when he sees an angsty teen using a snap chat and he fumes with pent up rage

He's so smart he transcended the need to brown townyze human emotion.

careful careful!!!

if you become so smart you'll hurt your head!

Master matthew is essentially the laughing stock of this forum, but the interesting part is how he reacts to it. The other comparable users, corderlain and lord tony, both know on the inside that they are viewed as handicaps, but they deny it constantly and form their own fantasy by playing it off.

master matthew is a different case. he doesn't know he's a handicap, and in order to maintain that stance he lives in the fantasy that everyone who isn't him is automatically wrong. tony and corderlain purposefully put up a bubble around them to feign ignorance but matthew is accidentally stuck inside a bubble and can't get out. every time he complains about snapchat or liberals or hillary clinton he's actually sending coded messages asking for help

are you joking? master matthew will be the new sun tzu, people will quote his good works for centuries ahead

mm is the smartest guy since isaac newton

his IQ is in the 700's

the guy was BORN with a high IQ

I see the circlejerk continues against me, I think I should write an autobiography soon, maybe this will dispel these over-glorified verbal orgies.