
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2232230 times)

Remember who you're talking to

Leisure you have no credibility why are even you still talking?

gender dysphoria is a mental illness though. it's not normal to want to be the opposite love
Gender identity disorder is a mental illness, and one criteria for diagnosis is that you have to have debilitating psychological effects that cause clinically-significant difficulties in everyday life. This does not apply to every single transgender person.

Also, calling it 'not normal' means nothing. People said homoloveuality was 'not normal'. People said interracial marriage was 'not normal'. Calling something 'not normal' is basically a buzzword because it doesn't carry any useful information.

Leisure you have no credibility why are even you still talking?

Are you mad at me

Are you mad at me

No it's just funny to me how you of all people are trying to belittle red spy

Also, calling it 'not normal' means nothing. People said homoloveuality was 'not normal'. People said interracial marriage was 'not normal'. Calling something 'not normal' is basically a buzzword because it doesn't carry any useful information.

it's objectivly not normal. it's not like being gay. it's not like loving a black chick. thinking you're the opposite love is not a healthy thing to think. that's why it's literally a mental illness

it's objectivly not normal. it's not like being gay. it's not like loving a black chick. thinking you're the opposite love is not a healthy thing to think. that's why it's literally a mental illness
being aloveual is also not a healthy way to think, but it's your body and your choice and it doesn't interfere with your ability to serve in the military

it being a mental illness doesn't justify anything. they let autistic people serve. they let people with minor borderline personality disorders serve as long as the medical examination doesn't deem it an interference with combat roles. so this 'its a mentall ilnnesss!!!' card can't be played anywhere except in r/donald or other rightist echo chambers
« Last Edit: August 14, 2017, 07:14:04 PM by PhantOS »

it's objectivly not normal. it's not like being gay. it's not like loving a black chick. thinking you're the opposite love is not a healthy thing to think. that's why it's literally a mental illness

Dude it's perfectly normal and we should encourage it. Just like schizophrenia

it's objectivly not normal. it's not like being gay. it's not like loving a black chick. thinking you're the opposite love is not a healthy thing to think. that's why it's literally a mental illness
There were plenty of people with the exact same frame of reference for homoloveuality.

a) it's not normal because men and women are meant to be together
b) it's not normal because the bible says so
c) it's not normal because I find gay love repulsive
d) it's not normal because two dudes can't procreate

There isn't anything different between those ideas and what you're saying right now, except that homoloveuality has become largely accepted in Western society whereas transgender identities are still on their way.

No it's just funny to me how you of all people are trying to belittle red spy

"I'm not mad, I'm actually laughing"

being aloveual is also not a healthy way to think, but it's your body and your choice and it doesn't interfere with your ability to serve in the military

transgenders have a 40% Self Delete rate and their depression rate is much higher. you have to be extremely mentally sound to serve. the military isn't an equal oppertunity employer, hell, they don't even let you serve if you've been taking certain medication within the past year

"I'm not mad, I'm actually laughing"

to be fair it's really easy to laugh at you

There were plenty of people with the exact same frame of reference for homoloveuality.

a) it's not normal because men and women are meant to be together
b) it's not normal because the bible says so
c) it's not normal because I find gay love repulsive
d) it's not normal because two dudes can't procreate

There isn't anything different between those ideas and what you're saying right now, except that homoloveuality has become largely accepted in Western society whereas transgender identities are still on their way.

How about
d) it's not normal because the majority of gays like to do this little thing called bugchasing. Gays need to be purged.

"I'm not mad, I'm actually laughing"

I mean I'm sure that's totally what your doing as well every time you go after red spy. It's not like every post you make demonstrates how assblasted you are. I know you love projecting your insecurities on to others but this is just sad

transgenders have a 40% Self Delete rate and their depression rate is much higher. you have to be extremely mentally sound to serve. the military isn't an equal oppertunity employer, hell, they don't even let you serve if you've been taking certain medication within the past year
what makes you think they let clinically depressed people into the military? here's a short answer to blow your mind: they don't
if you're on medication or are depressed, they won't let you serve. that's them being loving intelligent and saying 'we're not going to let you be a danger to yourself or other people'

banning all transgender people from the military means that the 60% that aren't depressed or whatever amount of transgender people are perfectly normal, mentally fit or healthy, won't be allowed to serve. why?
« Last Edit: August 14, 2017, 07:21:32 PM by PhantOS »

transgenders have a 40% Self Delete rate and their depression rate is much higher
(both of those things also apply to homoloveuals, decreasing as society has become more tolerant)