
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2230951 times)

black people confirmed inferior and unable to resist drugs unlike strong white men whose enlightenment transcends such degeneracy. therefore legalize druuuugs
White people do more drugs than black people. The difference is that drugs which are found more often in the black community (such as crack) were punished much harsher, and still are to a milder extent.

Yes, I linked to HuffingtonPost, but you can ignore the journalism and skip right to the links where they cite the Bureau of Justice if you'd like.

but it was given the ok by a black man so i guess that makes him the tribal now? or is it different because he actually understands the black experience even though he was raised by a white family? i mean there's literally no other reason he'd be fine with it, right?
I think he was okay with it because he was reasonably centrist on drug issues. I don't personally think moderacy on drug issues is the best policy. I'm entitled to disagree with the guy even if I liked a lot of his other policies.

meth has been illegal longer than the first anti crack laws
Meth didn't become an abuse epidemic until the late 80s though. The fact that it was scheduled and controlled much earlier doesn't mean that meth imprisonments were widespread during that time.

drug laws are actually an elaborate ploy to imprison black people and not because crack addicts and meth users lighting dogs on fire is a bad thing

it couldnt be that they get caught for drugs more often because there is more policing as a result of more violent crime. that would be insane

not because crack addicts and meth users lighting dogs on fire is a bad thing
You act like drunks and heroin addicts aren't equally prone to causing damage to society. How many people get killed in DUIs every year? Should we make alcohol illegal?

Should we make alcohol illegal?

should be, too bad you can make it from basically any fruit with sugar in it which makes controlling it impossible

last time i checked fentanyl and cocaine are a little harder to make in your toilet tank

should be, too bad you can make it from basically any fruit with sugar in it which makes controlling it impossible

last time i checked fentanyl and cocaine are a little harder to make in your toilet tank
What makes you think controlling marijuana is any easier?

should be, too bad you can make it from basically any fruit with sugar in it which makes controlling it impossible

last time i checked fentanyl and cocaine are a little harder to make in your toilet tank
Ah yes, cocaine is so much easier to control. That's why I can still buy it from a mutual friend in like two hours despite it being highly illegal in my state.

just make drugs legal

Uh, yeah. Regulate and tax them. That's been proven to be the proper solution.

Good thing that we can come to an agreement with the majority of American citizens. And I thought America wasn't democratic at all!

Their opinion is unsubstantiated.

Your opinion is much more substantiated but that's counterbalanced by the fact you're completely handicapped lol

See this is you're so loving stupid on this subject
Your opinion is basically "White people aren't allowed to speak and if you're black but you don't agree you're handicapped"

This stuff is genuinely pissing me off because it's just so loving inept like honestly what are you loving thinking when you say stuff like this

Black people aren't allowed to think for themselves and white people aren't allowed to think at all when it comes to race and it's so ridiculous and dehumanizing

"White people aren't allowed to speak and if you're black but you don't agree you're handicapped"
I never said white people aren't allowed to speak, just that making a claim like 'race relations are the best' without even consulting folks of other races is just inherently ignorant. At least Red Spy provided a graph - I'm not going to jump down his throat for being a 'white guy' when it has nothing to do with the statistics he cited.

Black conservatives are not handicapped. Ben Carson is a brilliant surgeon who has views way different than I do. The fact he's black doesn't mean that he has to be a Democrat or progressive - he's entitled to think however he wants. It's probably indicative of some improvement in society that more black conservatives exist, since such a concept was much less common in the past because conservatives were the ones propping up all that 'separate but equal' bullstuff. You had to support the progressives at that point as a survival mechanism.

You had to support the progressives at that point as a survival mechanism.

not true at all

Uh, yeah. Regulate and tax them. That's been proven to be the proper solution.

feel free to hit me up with those countries with legal cocaine and meth industries