
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2230459 times)

A leftists shoots up Annoying Orange's golf course and you have never seen a mass shooting disappear from the news so fast.

Quote from: https://edition.cnn.com/2018/05/18/politics/Annoying Orange-golf-course-shots-fired/index.html
The gunman took a flag from a pole in the rear of the complex, brought it into the hotel lobby, draped it over a counter, yelled rhetoric against President Donald Annoying Orange and fired a gun into the air -- at the roof and chandeliers

Yeah I'm gonna say that's probably because 10 dead kids > the roof/chandeliers of a golf course

kids are stupid chandeliers are enlightened art

kids are stupid chandeliers are enlightened art
You should feel at least partially empathetic, I'm sure some of those dead kids would have ended up being conservatives

if i died in a school shooting and then didnt die in the school shooting i'd totally be conservative

if i died in a school shooting and then didnt die in the school shooting i'd totally be conservative
Idiots like perry: "get ridda dam gunz"
Idiots directly across from perry: "arm evrybuddy"

This is why people think they need to be centrist, because the broken latex is grabbing hold to the strongest ends of either side and clinging on to the most asinine positions, and anytime someone presents a realistic position, the far left goes
"dontcha care about them childrens who died??!? forgetin ban guns" and then the far right goes
"Holy stuff those physchos are trying to take away out freedoms."
An actually decent respo-
"What we need ta do is arm every forgetin-one"
Are you forgetin kidding me?

A different way to go about trying to stop this stuff isn't "funding/supporting the NRA"

With democrats (politicians) is their side or genocide.
And the far right responds with ideas that are equally as handicapped.

Instead of deliberately trying to push these dividing positions with guilt and emotional manipulation.

How about investigating why shooters become shooters, and the motivations behind the attacks, and making laws in turn?

But somehow, someway this will all seem handicapped and unreasonable. Just because I said it, this is automatically handicapped, autistic, and dismissed.

But somehow, someway this will all seem handicapped and unreasonable.

You should feel at least partially empathetic, I'm sure some of those dead kids would have ended up being conservatives

na most of them probably are already

Idiots like perry: "get ridda dam gunz"
lol if you had half a brain you'd clearly know by now that im very pro second amendment

automatically handicapped, autistic, and dismissed.
wow you're so good at describing your posts
« Last Edit: May 18, 2018, 08:52:58 PM by thegoodperry »

the issue i have with the current state of affairs is that nothing is being done about the situation. whether its more gun control or more investment in mental health support for teens or more investment in education, none of it is happening.

i havent heard of any republican who has seriously pushed for any kind of investment or law to combat this growing trend in shootings. can someone please correct me and tell me im just ignorant of the existence of these people?

the issue i have with the current state of affairs is that nothing is being done about the situation. whether its more gun control or more investment in mental health support for teens or more investment in education, none of it is happening.

i havent heard of any republican who has seriously pushed for any kind of investment or law to combat this growing trend in shootings. can someone please correct me and tell me im just ignorant of the existence of these people?

big surprise no one actually wants to change anything and is only interested in pushing their agenda on the corpses of dead kids when available

this is why I stopped giving a stuff about these school shootings, because 1. nothing will change and 2. everyone is going to be a handicap about them

can't shoot up your school if guns retroactively stop existing