
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2464785 times)

seems kinda silly you'd only post half of the graph


Which one is Kennedy again

That's 2 scotus of 5 that Annoying Orange will appoint now :p

ok can we talk about how the 28 year old democratic socialist chick knocked loving joe crowley out of the new york primaries 60-40 thougj
ye!! and with totally disparate funding almost completely from individuals. hopefully a step towards axing establishment neoliberal democrats

The unbelievable REEEEEEE'ing on Reddit about Justice Kennedy retiring is hilarious.

Before today, most all libs had no idea who that even was.

Just kids doing what they are told to. Pretend to be mad about stuff they dont understand.

wonder what percentage of the population can name all 9 justices


this is probably not a good start