Author Topic: Donnies Catch/Toothed Deer - Guilt tripping, narcissistic, and entitled scumbag  (Read 15001 times)

Are you litteraly blinded by the sun everywhere you go how the hell did you not see the cat? Its so clearly  cat it hurts.

im sorry dude I thought it was a bird for the longest time

I cant believe I thought it was a bird.... I need to get my eyes checked

you guys are blind it was always a cat to me this just shows how little pusillanimous individual everyone here gets

alright i hate op but I think I hate how donnie types more, like crap its worse than how otto types
how he types???
can you not just ignore it

not when I'm reading it

not when I'm reading it
usually when i post something that isnt a stuffpost and requires reading for at least a paragraph i dont talk like an idiot haha

serious question, do you have borderline personality disorder?

well I probably don't read the threads you read so I don't usually see those outside of drama

serious question, do you have borderline personality disorder?
clinically confirmed yes, but i dont see how this is relevaaaaaant.
i dont really like bringing it up on the forum these days

The way Donnies Catch types isn't even that bad, people here are just too easily bothered.

i think the way that Donnies Catch spells gives them personality to their posts

i just don't like trans people

Donnies is one of those people who choose to be offended.

He's the type of person that would go to Target just to complain about how the girl lego toys are in the girl section of the store and not with the lego section.

Donnies is one of those people who choose to be offended.

He's the type of person that would go to Target just to complain about how the girl lego toys are in the girl section of the store and not with the lego section.
im so offended omffffffffffffg ugh!!!

nobody pay attention to tony he's just a stuffty troll