Author Topic: Young Conker  (Read 4609 times)

Who molded orange stuff and put it in a blue latex suit and have it headphones?

Bush did.

They had to ruin Conker. They just had to ruin Conker.

Uhh yeah I'm pretty sure this is just supposed to be a tech demo of the holo lens
My reasoning: they spend half the video talking about the features of holo lens, APIs and when developers can do, how they're excited to see what people do with it. etc. Even the half of the video dedicated to talking about the game seems more focused on "this is what the hololens does" over "this is what the game is"

So the "game" looks stuffty, sure. But I don't see this as trying to show off a game. I see this as showing off the hololens.

I personally don't see the hololens as a viable game platform. One of the biggest aspect in games is level/world design, and you're throwing that out the window by just using the room the player is in, which leads to the possibility for some extremely boring levels. Plus, the art style of the characters is completely out of place compared to the real room

Plus, the art style of the characters is completely out of place compared to the real room
Now i'm laughing my ass off at the thought of a hololens game with live-action FMV actors

I personally don't see the hololens as a viable game platform.
Yeah, I'm really confused why they're pushing the "VIDYA GAMES!!" as the reason to get a HoloLens.
The first promotional materials they showed seemed to be more for professionals to use for their job, such as artists, product designers, etc.
It seems odd that they've almost completely switched to trying to be a competitor to Vive and Oculus when they could have cornered a much more profitable sector.

Virtual lens might be good for games like blockland or minecraft so I can build stuff with my hands but that's about it. I don't see any other viable uses for it other than managing a loving city in my living room.

Going to need an adblocker for every day life. Walmart does this stuff with their cameras where the camera scans the content of your shopping cart and then displays an item you'd probably need to go with it on the TV next to you.

Wouldn't be surprised if hololens does stuff like that.

holy forget lord tony do you have to mention conspiracy and walmart in every one of your posts?

It's not a conspiracy if it's already happening with Walmart and is a plausible method of advertising for Microsoft.

Holo lens will scan your room and find dorritos in the background. It will display an ad saying "buy this bag of Doritos now and get a Doritos shield for your CoD character."

It's not a conspiracy if it's already happening with Walmart and is a plausible method of advertising for Microsoft.
Holo lens will scan your room and find dorritos in the background. It will display an ad saying "buy this bag of Doritos now and get a Doritos shield for your CoD character."
Call of Duty for hololens?

i love how they dont try to cater the hololens to the security market at all

gj microsoft

Microsoft already has been proven to use the Kinect to sell the information out to police if you engage in any type of illegal activity.

Microsoft already has been proven to use the Kinect to sell the information out to police if you engage in any type of illegal activity.
I can't find anything about this.
I get that you're probably going to flip your stuff over me asking this, but...

Microsoft already has been proven to use the Kinect to sell the information out to police if you engage in any type of illegal activity.

If this is true then it gives me serious "1984" vibes.

I can't find anything about this.
I get that you're probably going to flip your stuff over me asking this, but...

Blockchip I have a feeling you know about the microsoft stuff.