double elimination has been completed and the server will be hosted with it enabled tomorrow

for those of you who don't know what double elimination is, its a type of tournament where instead of dying once to be thrown out you have to die twice. if you die once you get thrown into a special tournament bracket where you battle other people who have died once. if you beat this loser's bracket, you'll be able to fight the winner of the normal tournament. here's what i mean: imagine the numbers are players and you'll be able to follow their progress through the tournament.

also the youq was patched after people made scripts to do it perfectly

oh good i didnt have to do anything

server is up, so come enjoy double elimination

yesterday i found the magics of the youq by using scripts to make it work more reliably.
and holy forget making the beamu rifle shoot 6 times a second was satisfying

i'm going to be shutting the server down for an hour or two because i have to do stuff and double elimination is broken as forget

ok the server is up again come join to battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle

ok the server is up again come join to battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle
there seems to be a bad echo echo echo echo echo echo echo echo echo echo

Wish I could have screenshots of double elimination, it was very mindtwisting.

it was mindtwistng when you were playing because the double elimination bracket was broken as forget. i fixed it up so it should be working now

here have an image (the numbers represent the players (except for the big numbers at the top), you should be able to track their progress through the tournament):
« Last Edit: November 04, 2017, 05:41:41 PM by Gytyyhgfffff »