damn, now tournaments is always dead all night every night :(

  • whenever you rocket jump, its like the enemy deals 15 damage to you. the rocket jumper is intended to be a gimmick weapon that augments secondaries into primaries, not a scamming weapon. this change will hopefully prevent scamming since for every rocket jump you make you have to deal at least 15 damage to get your yellow star back. thanks shifty kitty for the suggestion
feels like this was google translated from spanish

my thoughts and opinions
balance changes from a few days ago:

rocket jumper:
  • i really like this change but I think something should be done for the gas op because it does no self damage and also can move you at about the same speed as the jumper. plus it can deal a lot of damage as primary
  • the range change is pretty strange but works nonetheless however the slow speed is completely unnecessary and feels super out of place
double shotgun, shotgun, and super shotgun:
  • by increasing the spread of the shotguns you make them more effective at hitting someone's shield which is what made them good for range. it only takes a little bit of damage to reset a regen and the shotguns are very effective at this. i would like to suggest a function for the super shotgun that's similar to paths super boomstick in which the gun is one huge concblast that increases in damage at close range so you have to rely on another gun to stall shield because right now the shotguns are the most effective weapons for this in the entire game apart from the 2 fire guns that actually have range
wave rifle:
  • this weapon has become loveing trash now because if you get lucky you'll deal 8 damage at close range and the knockback gives you a better shot at the person who's knocking you up into the air. the damage should return but still be nerfed to am extent where it's not primary-tier dps
« Last Edit: July 02, 2018, 02:42:24 AM by Mad Hops Disease »

The Gas op does not move you at nearly the same speed as the rocket jumper at all. Nor does it provide nearly the same vertical capabilities.
When someone's trying to scam with the rocket jumper, they have significantly more options for exiting their cover. They can go to the left or right, they can go straight up. They can go up to the left or right. Gas op has a single predictable hop. If you have good aim you can hit them. And because of the cooldown, they can't just keep doing it. Rocket jumper is only limited by your health pool. In which, if the enemy can't touch your health anyway, then there's no concern.

i think its a good time to mention the long lost 2v2 tournaments idea

the current ludeme of 1v1 tournaments is fine as a vector of individual skill but it lacks deep strategy besides your ability to move the mouse. 2v2 tournaments although a bitch to code would pit cooperative parties against each other and test their skill and teamwork simultaneously. on top of that it also opens up a new mechanic for cooperative guns and loadouts

example: one dude could choose a precision loadout and another could choose a flush/flank loadout like sawblade and then the sawblade guy can flush the enemy team out of cover while the sniper guy can pick them off. this already exists barely with the primary secondary system but it could be further refined in a coop tournament gamemode
« Last Edit: July 02, 2018, 11:59:50 AM by PhantOS »

id be down to make some sick maps for 1v1 or 2v2 :0
« Last Edit: January 08, 2025, 10:17:20 PM by Conan »

bump cause its been hosted today

1) TOURNAMENTS!!!!!!!!!!!
2) Keep gambling.
3) Don't get hit.


there should be a discord for this server imho


there should be a discord for this server imho
Mr Queeba has a server for his network of game servers including Battlemix and Tournaments if you're interested

He's most likely to host either/or during the weekends, but ultimately still depends on whether he feels like it or is available to do so

Mr Queeba has a server for his network of game servers including Battlemix and Tournaments if you're interested

He's most likely to host either/or during the weekends, but ultimately still depends on whether he feels like it or is available to do so
i briefly provided the vps for tournaments, gyt ended up moving to a different one that has better performance so im not directly involved w/ it anymore but that being said i am hosting battlemix myself and you can expect it to be live when i feel like it on the weekends