all i ask for is the evidence to back up your statements if you consider yourself more trustworthy than me

you have access to the server logs, what mean things did i say?

i'll look through your four thousand lines of chat tomorrow.

where exactly is the no flaming rule listed because i got permamuted for the sole reason of you not liking me
i've never seen anything on a scale of bullstuff your group brought to my server and didn't think a no flaming rule was necessary. it should be obvious to not be an starfish to others and to not spam the chat. to clarify, i've added it into the welcome message.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2018, 01:11:09 AM by Gytyyhgfffff »

but you said specifically:
i've seen you stuff on people hard in tournaments today.
all you need to look through is my chats today in the hour or so i was playing on the server to prove your point which certainly wouldn't take that much effort

but you said specifically:all you need to look through is my chats today in the hour or so i was playing on the server to prove your point which certainly wouldn't take that much effort

i'm working on something else right now so i still need to do it tomorrow

i've never seen anything on a scale of bullstuff your group brought to my server and didn't think a no flaming rule was necessary. it should be obvious to not be an starfish to others and to not spam the chat. to clarify, i've added it into the welcome message.
its cute that youre optimistic enough to believe that people wont flame eachother in an online deathmatch server but if youre going to enforce that rule the least you could do is at least give a warning when somebody is acting out
to clarify, i've added it into the welcome message.
a good start

i'm working on something else right now so i still need to do it tomorrow
interesting. for reference, could you give me any examples of things i said to other people that you recall (despite you not being on the server or at least to my memory)?
also what about that live chat on mm2? anything you got to back that up or
if amper and you were talking wouldn't she send you anything to prove that i was doing things?

if you would like i could post my client chats of tournaments so the people themselves could decide if i was really that bad of a guy on your server

its cute that youre optimistic enough to believe that people wont flame eachother in an online deathmatch server
like i just said out of the three years i've been hosting, two of which were spent hosting tournaments, i've never seen anything on the scale of stuff you said. if i had seen anything on that scale before i would've muted the perpetrators and added the rule.

a reply instead of clear avoidance (surprised by your quick reply to my previous post saying you were busy, difference of only a few seconds) would be appreciated

a reply instead of clear avoidance (surprised by your quick reply to my previous post saying you were busy, difference of only a few seconds) would be appreciated
i'm working on stuff due in an hour and a half explaining what i saw will take too long i'll respond tomorrow in full with evidence

The thing about eon/celau/zelau/kelau/xelau/cone2 and many more alts is that he tries always to insult a user, and when they react, he then makes fun of them or dramaes them or calls them out for their reaction, and sometimes withholds information or lies to try and prove his point. Why do you think he has so many alts? Other than forum Self Deletes for two of them.

The thing about eon/celau/zelau/kelau/xelau/cone2 and many more alts is that he tries always to insult a user, and when they react, he then makes fun of them or dramaes them or calls them out for their reaction, and sometimes withholds information or lies to try and prove his point. Why do you think he has so many alts? Other than forum Self Deletes for two of them.
come join me on reddit

The thing about eon/celau/zelau/kelau/xelau/cone2 and many more alts is that he tries always to insult a user, and when they react, he then makes fun of them or dramaes them or calls them out for their reaction, and sometimes withholds information or lies to try and prove his point. Why do you think he has so many alts? Other than forum Self Deletes for two of them.
critawakets trying to be credible
critawakets trying to be credible
That is a nice example of what i was saying in my previous post. I honestly have to thank you, even if it also proves why i hate you. You ignore arguments agaisnt you and just post with more insults, in an attempt to rile the user up. As you can see, i make myself a fine example.

Honestly this discussion should go in drama.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2018, 02:01:39 AM by CRITAWAKETS »

That is a nice example of what i was saying in my previous post. I honestly have to thank you, even if it also proves why i hate you.

Honestly this discussion should go in drama.
i don't understand your "hatred" considering for about 3 months after the drama you refused to stop bugging me over discord and stufftalking a bunch of people to me
but that's besides the point