how in the god god damn hell would that work
lose a bet, elo decreases
win a bet, elo increases
and then add in some math in there so that those who bet small who get a small amount of elo and those who bet big get a big amount of elo

lose a bet, elo decreases
win a bet, elo increases
and then add in some math in there so that those who bet small who get a small amount of elo and those who bet big get a big amount of elo
i dont think it works that way

lose a bet, elo decreases
win a bet, elo increases
and then add in some math in there so that those who bet small who get a small amount of elo and those who bet big get a big amount of elo
elo only works for a zero-sum game system, and betting isnt zero sum

tournamaintenance is over :gun2:

If you don't use the tomahawk exclusively you're officially stage 3 gay

If you don't use the tomahawk exclusively you're officially stage 3 gay
if you still have a sonokido profile picture in 2018 you’re gay
« Last Edit: June 28, 2018, 07:45:00 PM by Edd Eddington »

if you still have a sonokido profile picture in 3018 you’re gay
good thing its not 3018

mr. scenery, where are my patchnotes

Good lord, Micromissiles need a nerf.

« Last Edit: June 30, 2018, 02:19:02 PM by Redconer »

balance changes from a few days ago:

  • halved fire speed
  • reversed temp damage nerf, now does 30 damage
  • reversed temp screenshake nerf, now has screenshake
  • sawblade was reeking too much havok with its rapid fire high damage blades. a slower firerate tries keep a similar density of sawblades bouncing off walls, but now you have to more carefully aim the sawblade for it to be effective. might boost the damage per sawblade in the future though.
rocket jumper:
  • whenever you rocket jump, its like the enemy deals 15 damage to you. the rocket jumper is intended to be a gimmick weapon that augments secondaries into primaries, not a scamming weapon. this change will hopefully prevent scamming since for every rocket jump you make you have to deal at least 15 damage to get your yellow star back. thanks shifty kitty for the suggestion
  • halved its range
  • when fired the user slows down for a second, allowing others an oppertunity to approach
  • increased self damage so users are not encouraged to jump everywhere. raycast weapons are inheritly overpowered without debuffs, since raycasts are much easier to aim and have longer ranges than projectile weapons. these factors make it extremely difficult for projectile weapons to approach raycast weapon users. movement debuffs are necessary to even the playing field.
sniper rifle:
  • removed velocity recoil from normal fire and special attack
  • when fired the user slows down until the next shot is ready
  • removed headshots. headshots are super easy to make since a blockhead's head is 1/3 the size of its total body. also, long ranged instakills are stupidly overpowered since enemies are unable to approach at all if their shields are knocked out. you might say well the enemy can just use cover or take a different route but the maps in the game are so forgeted that sometimes that isnt possible. if the maps get better ill consider adding headshots back but right now headshots are gone.
  • i dont like how one dimensional the sniper rifle is right now. need to think of changes that give it more depth while not making it overpowered
double shotgun, shotgun, and super shotgun:
  • all these weapons were too effective at mid range. their spread has been increased
rocket punch:
  • added aim assist at close range
double magnums:
  • removed bullet knockback. this weapon's gimmick is its right click. with the knockback, the gun was basically the gas op but way better since you could both air combo and use the raycast special.
  • reduced damage to 35 per bullet
wave rifle:
  • the wave rifle was both easy to aim, easy to combo, and high damaging leading to devastating chain attacks enemies couldnt get out of. the damage has been reduced massively to compensate for this, and i may raise it in the future
  • unnerfed its bullet knockback
« Last Edit: June 30, 2018, 03:08:08 PM by Gytyyhgfffff »

I still think Sniper would be really good as 33.5(body)/67(head)/33.5(70.35 vs crouching, no headshots against crouching) and switched to being a secondary. Especially since you removed the recoil from it. Giving it a bigger selection of weapons to combo with give it more depth tbh. Heads may be 1/3 the body and it is in fact stupid that hitting it was 100 damage. But it's still harder to hit than the entire body, and this mechanic does give it a little bit more depth, so long as it's not too powerful.
One of the things I liked best about the headshots was the knockback, rather than the damage. I'd usually try and get a headshot to break the enemy's shield then use a secondary to combo with.

my opinion on these balance changes

balance changes from a few days ago:

gun loving sucks, why do i have to aim with it now! nah but this is not too bad of a nerf compared to the loving raycast nerfs holy stuff

rocket jumper:
no comment

the gun loving sucks now considering it loving kills your mobility allowing the other guy to eat your shield or kill you. you're literally removing a needed feature with this gun.

sniper rifle:
see railgun comment

double shotgun, shotgun, and super shotgun:
i consider these balance changes pointless but on playing it actually feels like a shotgun now, i need to experiment more to see if this does provide a good nerf to the CONC' meta with the twin shotguns and if it really nerfs the super shotgun due to it's high damage output.

rocket punch:

now you're just encouraging playing the bait/pusillanimous individual/escape playstyle. i've already encountered this with redo using the gas op + rocket punch. maybe i'm just over exaggerating considering this is probably the gas op's fault. maybe the gas op needs a nerf but we will all think this is a bad idea even though it's probably needed. just how we thought the wave rifle was fine but it was actually too good.
regarding the rocket punch buff then, meh, no real comment.

double magnums:
yes these were too good if you knew how to predict and land your shots, this still can be powerful anyway since the damage nerf is somewhat insignificant.

wave rifle:
as i babbled on the rocket punch comment, people thought this weapon was balanced even though it really wasn't. this reduces the weapon to it's core mechanic, high knockback with the bullets. i've seen celau use it pretty efficiently with the twin magnums to probably counteract the knockback nerf with the twin magnums, anyway good change

so raycast meta is dead
flame is a still broken stupid mechanic.
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hh yeah that's all rly

about the whole scamming fiasco, i was thinking the star mechanic could be done by damage recieved rather than damage output, so that damage done to yourself counts onto it, making u lose