i dont want to waste all my hats
It buys every 400 ms when on and you turn it off with the same command to stop buying.

no "menacing" or duck unusuals smh

firewave is less op
« Last Edit: November 22, 2017, 01:42:10 PM by CharlesSpeaking »

why did you nerf the rocket punch so much?

illegal paperbag gambling ring exposé

       as you might know betting was introduced to tournaments where you are able to bet on a player's match and receive a substantial amount of winnings if you bet on a player who ends up winning. the currency of tournaments is paperbags, and if you win a match yourself you get a paperbag reward which allows players to get into the gambling scene and earn many more paperbags by betting. if you bet on a player who has a more likely chance to win, you won't win as many paperbags. if you bet on a player who has a less likely chance to win, you will win many more paperbags compared to the player who was more likely to win. betting is not perfect, because if it perfect it would use a real economy system that doesn't generate paperbags from the void to give back to betters. however, it is more fun if paperbags are generated as they are because you're always guaranteed to win money if you win and lose money if you lose, leading to a lot of emotion that makes betting both fun in itself and fun as a spectator event.

the paperbag mafia:
       unbeknownst to the administration, players were joining at night to engage in "towel matches", where one player would intentionally lose ("throw", "rig") a match. betters would place bets on the guaranteed winner, and generate millions of paperbags. the player who made the first billion accomplished the feat by participating in the illegal betting ring to place risk-free bets that were guaranteed a massive payout. this occurred without me realizing, and was only discovered when one of the less intelligent of the paperbag mafia announced several times he was going to rig his match in my presence. i have placed a bet freeze on all offenders which means matches they are in cannot be bet on and they cannot bet on any other matches themselves. i have placed a bet freeze on all offenders which means matches they are in cannot be bet on and they cannot bet on any other matches themselves, the result of this can only be described as grade a autism.

       the reactions to this can only be described as grade A autism. the paperbag mafiosos immediately tried shifting the blame to other players or the economy. one mafioso insisted i was treating him unfairly and should remove the bet freeze despite rigging matches the most consistently. others made efforts to keep the mafia intact, telling their fellows to not reveal anything about the gambling ring. i'm going to clear the bet freezes though, as throwing was not a defined rule previously but is now.

call to action:
        although there are extensive chat logs, having the names of those involved in the rigging helps immensely since scrounging through hours of dialog takes time. unusuals will be given to those who give names or other proof of rigging. i already know about Bit, OverlyGeneric, and Erjon. let it be known i do not give not even a quarter of a stuff about people who bet on rigged matches because betting on rigged matches isn't the source of the issue, and anyone in that situation would do so.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2017, 05:42:35 PM by Gytyyhgfffff »

i actually knew this was going to happen like a week ago. it's only so long before people start fixing matches

who is this elusive paper bag mafia

charles the paperbag empire has risen...

i already know about Bit, OverlyGeneric, and Erjon.
of course erjon was doing this

only took a week and a half

if you got players betting on players, theres no chance in hell there wont be any rigging happening

you need ways to slow down paperbag growth or else inflation will kill the hat economy

i participated in like 2 throw matches cuz bit asked me to i apologize please  dont take my betting away