Author Topic: What do you guys get from burger king  (Read 3184 times)

5 for 4 deal
and the burger has to have no pickles

waru I have the same problem wit bk

chicken nuggets, but u gotta wait until they get almost cold, cus they taste weird when they're hot

the big mac clone

whether you should live or die~ ♫
nnnnnnoooooooooo that song's going to be stuck in my head for days now

Overpriced meals just like McDonalds.

i usually get directions to the nearest alternative restaurant

i usually get directions to the nearest alternative restaurant
i recommend this

Fries, chicken nuggets, and a cold soda

chicken nuggets, but u gotta wait until they get almost cold, cus they taste weird when they're hot
I've had them while they were still fresh and when they've sat out for a long while and they've tasted the same, i don't know what kind of nuggets you're eating

Pretty much any variety of whopper

paired with mello yello and snickers pie

those two things set bk apart in my world of hurtling toward diabetes

I've had them while they were still fresh and when they've sat out for a long while and they've tasted the same, i don't know what kind of nuggets you're eating
weird ones, I imagine