Author Topic: holy forgetig nstuff  (Read 11579 times)

my fb picture is kindred

why? bcuz forget it tbh they know how i look like anyways

also im kindred-kin
« Last Edit: May 17, 2016, 08:53:27 AM by Donnies Catch »

ok i checked the replies
so my grandma from sweden said "Så fint bild" which means such a pretty picture in swedish
and my grandpa said "You have change your appearance a lot."
well congrats now your grandparents think you're a goat

also my grandpa is not the husband of my grandma i mentioned in the post
my grandma i talked about is from my dads side and the grandpa is from my moms side

why would you set your Facebook picture to anything except a picture of yourself
mine is a picture of my dogs

I'd recommend deleting it and putting a picture of your face in stead.
You will thank me in 5 years.

also my grandpa is not the husband of my grandma i mentioned in the post
my grandma i talked about is from my dads side and the grandpa is from my moms side

"i'm awakened toriel-kin. no, it's not the same as being a goat. it's specifically toriel from undertale. just her."

What in the name of roosters and balls are you so scared about reading messages? Facebook doesn't notify if you've read comments, so nobody would know.

Treat your Facebook loving right, mate. It's your public profile and a place for communicating with your real friends and family. If you want to RP, go make a loving Twitter.

Only like 2 of my friends have their face as their picture

Only like 2 of my friends have their face as their picture
Don't you want to forget ponies or some stuff? You're the last cunt on this Earth who I'd imagine would have real life friends.

User was banned for this post
« Last Edit: May 18, 2016, 12:42:07 PM by Badspot »

Only like 2 of my friends have their face as their picture
nice, you only have 2 friends

Only like 2 of my friends have their face as their picture
that's really sad

btw OP you may want to edit the topic title from the first post so that the title is a bit more descriptive of your situation, otherwise it may be bannable for "ambiguous topic"

nobody gets banned for ambiguous topic titles they just get changed by badspot in a crude yet hilarious manner

nobody gets banned for ambiguous topic titles they just get changed by badspot in a crude yet hilarious manner
I could've sworn I've seen people be banned for it before, huh.

yeah like a billion years ago ya dork. last time badspot banned someone for an ambiguous title the dinosaurs were still alive