Author Topic: holy forgetig nstuff  (Read 11494 times)

family guy funny moments


Let's brown townyze this image, let's start with the capital letters

IFGFMIWWTV, huh? How about we try plugging that into Google

Only one result?

It's all gibberish? What could it mean?

it means....

I didn't wanna believe the rabbit hole went this deep...wait a minute, "rabbit hole"? That's the next lead! And who distributes rabbit holes?

That's right, Bad Dragon. Clearly they're behind this

I am so confused about this topic. What is so nerve wracking about people commenting on your fb picture?

I didn't wanna believe the rabbit hole went this deep...wait a minute, "rabbit hole"? That's the next lead! And who distributes rabbit holes?

[i mg][/img]

That's right, Bad Dragon. Clearly they're behind this
But wait! Who uses Bad Dragon? Furries! And who tells furries to yiff in hell? Badspot! Badspot is behind all of this!

But wait! Who uses Bad Dragon? Furries! And who tells furries to yiff in hell? Badspot! Badspot is behind all of this!
But wait! Where is hell? Isn't that here? If we're in hell, that means that WE were behind it all! But wait! Who are we all? We're all Rotondo, so then that means that technically Rotondo is behind all of this!

are you guys stupid or something???
i already told you whos behind this

I can't imagine you could keep a friend based on the way you throw hissy fits and bitch at people daily.
that, or his hair would consume them whole

Disregarding the memery, there's nothing wrong with it. It's not even a bad picture. If it was cropped from research, or suggestive, or something, then it would maybe rise some problems.

Don't you want to forget ponies or some stuff? You're the last cunt on this Earth who I'd imagine would have real life friends.

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What's up with your triggering? You always do this.

Disregarding the memery, there's nothing wrong with it. It's not even a bad picture. If it was cropped from research, or suggestive, or something, then it would maybe rise some problems.
kinda unrelated but I see so many people on things like steam/youtube with those cropped anime research pictures like god damn

though I will admit I have made my BLF avatar cropped nsfw stuff before so I guess I have no reason to talk.